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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Obama administration writes to Gov. Hogan on Syrian refugees

WASHINGTON -- Refugees from Syria undergo an "extraordinary thorough and comprehensive" screening process that is "multi-layered and intensive" senior officials in the Obama administration wrote to Gov. Larry Hogan in a letter this week.

"We want to emphasize that no one has a right to be resettled in the United States as a refuge," according to the five-page letter, which was obtained Saturday by The Baltimore Sun. "If the expert screener fails to be satisfied…the applicant will not be resettled in the United States."

The letter, the latest effort by the Obama administration to ease concerns about Syrian refugees following the Nov. 13 attacks in Paris, was signed by Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson. It was dated Friday.



  1. I guess we will see if he is a Republican with values or like our recent and current speaker.

  2. First they couldn't vet the refugees completely if at all. NOW they suddenly have experts that can process these people through? I call BS, it's all BS. I hope Hogan tells them to go pound sand.

  3. Doesn't take much for a government employee to be considered an expert in general. Add Obama's crew and I am sure they are all experts.

  4. The administration has lied about everything so far, why would this be true? I prefer the opinion of FBI director James Comey, who says there is no way possible to vet these people because there is no database. Thank God for Gov. Hogan.

  5. Expert screener? yeah right more like a traitorous obamacrat. I feel a civil war coming, it may be the only way to save the republic.

  6. The states must continue to make a stand against the traitor. I also feel a civil war is coming if WWIII doesn’t happen first. Either or both brought on by the traitor.

  7. PLEASE Governor Hogan, don't trust obama. He has proven on EVERY occasion he can not be trusted. His plan is to have this country over run with muslim refugees and establish a new world order. We can't let them into this country no matter what.

  8. Some more lies and BS from our government. Just ask France , Germany , England , and most of Europe. Wake up people!

  9. One big problem. They're already here when they get screened.

  10. It's reported that "only" 13% of refugees are considered to be terrorists. You do the math, 13% of 10,000 (original # of refugees proposed)equals 1300 terrorists who have yet to be vetted.! All of the military age males refugees need to be sent back to fight for 'their, country rather than other countries sending soldiers to do the fighting for them.

  11. Hey Obama, you are not dealing with O'Malley anymore.

  12. 7:28
    They probably won't be properly vetted either. They have no documentation. Most of it has been destroyed. They can claim they are anyone. How can they prove it?

  13. All it takes is a couple terrorist scumbags, to get embedded and set up shop recruiting more, and "radicalize get" them by playing upon their grievances and disappointments, and encouraging the entitlement mentality. That is why only a handful should be allowed here. Non-muslim families with a couple small children, and that's it.

    Muslims should NOT be considered "refugees" when they have lots of Muslim counties to immigrate to, closer to home. In addition, the Muslims are the ones who real refugees, Christians, are fleeing from!


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