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Sunday, November 29, 2015

New Poll Shows Sheila Dixon Is Front-Runner To Win Baltimore Mayoral Race

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — A new poll is out Sunday and it clearly shows former Mayor Sheila Dixon way out in front. The poll was conducted by the Baltimore Sun and the University of Baltimore and is the first snapshot of what Baltimore voters think.

Mary Bubala has more.

It’s a crowded field of 14 Democrats and this is the first time we’ve seen who voters think should be the next mayor of Baltimore.

In the months since Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake announced she’s leaving office and won’t run for another term, many faces have entered the race to replace her. But one standing out is former Mayor Sheila Dixon.



  1. everybody loves a winner!

  2. Another obama Lacky.

  3. is this the woman that was tried and committed of money fraud?

  4. 4:19
    Yes! I think she was the one that was stealing gift cards they were going to give to the needy! She will get re-elected just like Marion Barry did. Some people never learn.

  5. They'll get the criminal they voted for!

  6. Wow that's a surprise

  7. stupid is as stupid does...low info voters in Baltimore.

  8. Just confirms to people how corrupt Baltimore politics are. Trade one theft for a convicted one.

  9. Does Baltimore even need a primate to run it?

  10. What I find interesting is that these posts bash Baltimore but Salisbury voted for Jimbo TWICE. LOL!

  11. Anonymous said...
    everybody loves a winner!

    November 23, 2015 at 3:46 PM

    Everybody loves a criminal thug.

  12. O'Malley says he was so popular in Baltimore. Would love to see him run and see if he would get 1 vote.

  13. There are only about 5 of them who stand a chance and unbelievable as it is, she is the best in the pool. She always did and still does stand firmly behind the city police. This could be why her conviction for stealing the gift cards is being overlooked. If Stokes or Mosby are elected that city will descend into a hell hole like never has been seen before. Those are 2 very very evil men who were put on earth by the devil himself to do his work on earth.

  14. 7:53
    I have no doubt that he would run, but right now he is trying to fry a bigger fish. However I think his fish is getting fried.


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