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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake to travel to Paris next week

BALTIMORE —Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake will travel to Paris next week to participate in the United Nations convention on climate change, spokesman Howard Libit confirmed.

Rawlings-Blake is the president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors and will lead the delegation in Paris.

According to the Board of Estimates Agenda, the mayor will participate in the Climate Summit for Local Leaders as well as a Day of Action at Le Bourget.



  1. she welcomed refugees and gained political favor...another crook

  2. Hope ISIS get's her.

  3. Is she TRYING to stir up racial unrest? It's the only thing she seems to be good at besides spending money!

  4. Climate Change = LIE

  5. lmao, wtf does she know about climate change? what can she possibly bring to the table? just another junket paid for by the taxpayer. Or maybe she's secretly plotting to bring home some of frances unwanted syrian muslims?

  6. Wasting taxpayers money, WTF.

  7. Obama Crooked BastardoNovember 24, 2015 at 11:23 AM

    Let her go to Paris, no problem On her own dime, not having the Maryland Taxpayers paying for the bills. Baltimore has RECORD NUMBER OF MURDERS, but their Mayor is more concerned about CLIMATE CHANGE BULLCRAP?

  8. This woman is a disgrace to Maryland. She is incompetent in running Baltimore and knows nothing about the so called climate change. Climate has been changing on this earth since the beginning of time. I guess she thinks she knows more than God.

  9. 10:42 and 11:49, I couldn't agree more!!

  10. She is president of a conference of Mayors? The mayor of Murdermore. This conference must have low/ no standards.

  11. I wonder if isis will hit that place, most of the big city mayors are idiots anyway so they wouldn't be missed.

  12. Makes sense that she is being sent to Paris. After all East Baltimore looks liked a bombed out village, so she can give advice on the bomb damage in Paris.

  13. Let her walk the streets of her own city.

  14. Her contribution to climate change and global warming--burning buildings from riots in her own backyard.

  15. WTF does this baltimoron know about that?

  16. All of the above ... spend the peoples money needlessly just like all the lib, moron politicians do. Dumb as a clam

  17. She is dumb as a clam with a free trip to Paris.

  18. She told the President of France "give them room to destroy" Tell your troops to stand down. Yep we send that to France representing an American city. I know I am proud as hell.

  19. Please CIA, take her passport when she arrives in Paris. She will love to stay there till her dying days.

  20. Even if everything they say about climate change was true, What the hell does the Mayor of Baltimore (or any other city for that matter) have to do with it? She should be attending a convention on reducing crime and homicide, not climate change!


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