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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Islamic State Threatens ‘Paris-Style’ Attack In DC

WASHINGTON (WJZ) – A new video released on Monday purportedly by Islamic State (ISIL) members warns that countries participating in Syrian air strikes should expect terrorist attacks similar to those recently carried out in Paris, according to Reuters.

The video then specifies Washington D.C. as a potential target.

“As we struck France in the center of its abode in Paris, we swear that we will strike America at its center in Washington,” a speaker said in the one-minute video.



  1. We should boost security as necessary but not to the extent that our resources are completely focused on one area only. That leaves so many others at risk. Time to educate the public further on what they should watch for.

  2. Hopefully there will be some concealed carry holders when it goes down. There are zero of those in France.

  3. 4:02
    Doubtful...Isn't DC a gun free zone also?

  4. How exactly does concealed carry stop a determined suicide bomber with explosives and shrapnel strapped to his chest. How would it have prevented the Boston Marathon bomber? Or Oklahoma City? Or the attack on the USS Cole? The list goes on and on.

  5. I see lots and lots of liberal leave in the future

  6. Start on the left side

  7. Best target! It's gun free!

  8. DC is a gun-free zone - so they'll not bother them....

    Even if they had it - armed citizens would not do much against a hidden vest....but they would stop someone with an open weapon.....

  9. I saw on the news the other day, how to make bombs from your household items!! Tell me how bright that was, they helped these terrorists out, Don't ya think ?? The media shows their stupidity once again!!!

  10. Hey ISIS hit Baltimore too while you're at it.

  11. Putin will take care of isis. Kill them all.

  12. Liberal cowards all of them.

  13. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I saw on the news the other day, how to make bombs from your household items!! Tell me how bright that was, they helped these terrorists out, Don't ya think ?? The media shows their stupidity once again!!!

    November 16, 2015 at 6:01 PM

    that is old news. people have known about that for decades and of course there is always the internet.

  14. would anyone really care if they bombed DC? Would it really be that terrible?

  15. 4:54 do some independent research. Almost every event you list is a false flag.

  16. With Montgomery county slam full of terrorists ,it'll be easy to pull this off. I can only hope and pray Obama falls victim if it happens. He's making his bed.

  17. Stop by obummers house. His security is too drunk to do anything

  18. I hope DC security will be as effective as when they gunned down the woman whose baby was in the car with her

  19. They will be successful, because no one in DC is allowed to carry so once one of these bastards takes over a building everyone inside is as good as dead while the police stand outside. They wouldn't get half way over the bay bridge to the shore.
    I am not scared in the slightest. You should not be scared. I am far more scared of what my Government is capable of doing, than some dirt poor 3rd world uneducated moron with a box cutter and a delusion.


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