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Sunday, November 22, 2015

Charlie Sheen Is Allegedly HIV Positive & Making Announcement On ‘Today Show’

Charlie Sheen is reportedly making a shocking announcement on Nov. 17 that he has been secretly battling HIV for several years but he’s now ready to share his story with the world.

Charlie Sheen is HIV Positive, according to TMZ. The 50-year-old actor will reportedly sit down with Today Show‘s Matt Lauer and make the “revealing person announcement” during their Nov. 17 show. The actor, who was once married to Denise Richards, has remained out of the spotlight for the past year and after rumblings in publications for months, the former Two and a Half Men star reportedly wants to tell the world his personal battle with the disease.



  1. The announcement my might be shocking but not the details.

  2. I'm shocked...said no one.

  3. Guess he isn't WINNING now huh?

  4. HIV positive and having Aids are two different things. He has the money and resources to get the best treatment and drugs. Magic Johnson has been HIV positive since 1991. Much to your disappointment, it is not a "gay" disease.

    1. No one even mentioned it being a "gay" disease so why did you even bring it up???

  5. like anyone but him gives a crap.....

  6. He got it from a tiger blood transfusion.

  7. Well who didn't see this headline coming??? No shocker, no surprise! For someone who had all that life could offer was sure stupid!! He should have paid for class, self respect, and manners instead of woman..he might be able to live to be as old as his father!!

  8. That's what you get for livin' la vida loca!

  9. 2:41 the rate of HIV transmission is higher among gay men.

  10. So I guess now he will get special treatment......just because he WAS a celebrity. The treatment he should get is the same as John Smith living in the 'bury.

  11. much to my disappointment? .. lifestyle choices come with consequences .. Charlie generally has a prostitute on one arm

    The average Joe is aware and hear the charity industry cries for cash to fight the disease because it is rampant in Africa... not Rehoboth Beach.. cash that generally goes to hiring a significant number of activists ..not researchers

  12. 3:43 It was in the beginning but now the highest rate of transmission is blood transfusion.

  13. Plasma being the main constituent of blood, what good would that do 12:03?

  14. Anonymous said...
    No one even mentioned it being a "gay" disease so why did you even bring it up???

    November 16, 2015 at 4:13 PM

    I was wondering the same thing. I thought I missed something, thank you.

  15. What's funny is he said he had a prostitute over the house, kicked her out and then let her back in to use the bathroom. Then she went in and took pics of his HIV meds and started the blackmailing.


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