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Tuesday, November 03, 2015

I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy 2015


  1. That is the meanest thing I have ever seen. Kids look forward to halloween almost as much as Christmas and their birth day. I'm a 79 year old man and I still remember going trick or treating and coming home with a big bag of candy and I would NEVER do that to a young child. Those parents should be ashamed of themselves.

  2. Stu,get a grip. It's television.

  3. Stu I agree it is cruel and not funny at all. Jimmy kimmel should give it a rest. No wonder kids turn out the way they do blame the schools, their friends, the government, but don't blame the parents! Jimmy kimmel runs a contest every year and parents go out of their way to humiliate their kids on tv. Says a lot about families today.

  4. Stu, I really envy you. If this is the meanest thing you have ever seen then you have lived quite an exceptional life. I assume you realize that these parents didn't really eat all the candy and that after the camera was turned off, they got their candy and these kids learned what a harmless joke is. I commend you for leading such an amazing life having been able to avoid anything "meaner" than this, I hope it continues to work out that way for you.


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