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Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Experts Decipher Message on Jar Found Where David Killed Goliath… Confirms Key Part of Scripture

After three years, Israeli archaeologists have pieced together several ceramic fragments uncovered during a dig in the Valley of Elah, a place best known for the battle between David and Goliath as described in 1 Samuel.

The Israeli Antiquities Authority made an announcement Tuesday about the discovery and deciphering of the ancient text found on a 3,000-year-old jar reconstructed from the fragments.

Yosef Garfinkel from Hebrew University’s Institute of Archaeology and Saar Ganor of the Israel Antiquities Authority led an excavation in 2012 during which time the archaeologists foundpotsherds with individual letters of Canaanite script inscribed on them.

The individual potsherds were then carefully pieced together and experts in the language were able to decipher the text which spelled out a name: Eshba’al Ben Bada’.

What makes this find so significant is that, according to the Israeli researchers, this was the first time an inscription of “Eshba’al” — which appears in the Bible — has been found in an archaeological excavation in Israel.



  1. Yeah right...and I have some land in the everglades to sell you.

  2. Sorry for you, 6:17. There have been a number of finds, including the Dead Sea Scrolls. Funny how you can't stand science when it authenticates these finds. You could at least appreciate the history this affirms, but then, you would have to stop being narrow-minded.

  3. In due time, when you die, you'll meet and find the Bible was true after all & wished you heeded its call on Jesus.

  4. Pretty awesome stuff!So nice to see history preserved and discovered!

  5. They have a number of finds is right, and a lot of them point to the fact that the Jesus story is just that, a story. The whole Bible is filled with great stories and fables.

  6. 9:55...you will regret your unbelief one day...

  7. 9:55 I saw on the History Channel that the Catholic church put together the books of the Bible, and left out lots of them that counterpointed their choice of narrative. It was all about control of the pagans. I, like most highly educated persons know the Bible is just a book of stories to learn by.

  8. Well I'm sure the History Channel is wiser than God. Choose you this day who you will serve. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:55 I saw on the History Channel that the Catholic church put together the books of the Bible, and left out lots of them that counterpointed their choice of narrative. It was all about control of the pagans. I, like most highly educated persons know the Bible is just a book of stories to learn by.

    November 4, 2015 at 8:57 AM

    I guess they put together the Qur'an too and all other similar bibles?


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