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Sunday, November 01, 2015

GOP Debate III Post Mortem: Trump Top, Fiorina Flop, Bush (& CNBC) Biggest Loser

"Debates in Turmoil"would have been an appropriate summary for tonight's free-for-all CNBC-sponsored screamfest in Boulder, Colorado. Argumentative moderators, mis-stated facts, time complaints, and general whining was everywhere but Trump still managed to come out the other side of this gauntlet unscathed. One major highlight included Santelli and Paul pushing 'Audit The Fed', calls for gold-backed currency,and exclaimed that The Fed "has been a great problem" in US society. However, what was odd was the apparent slights to Trump and Carson (questioned less directly) which resulted in an aberrantly low 'talking time' for the leading candidates.

Lindsey Graham won the undercard...

But across all polls,Trump was the clear winner in the main event (and Bush nearly the biggest loser)...

Source: Drudge (left) and CNBC (right)

And Bush was the "biggest loser"..Jeb Bush finally, 85 minutes in, gets to talk about his plan for 4% growth. It’s hard to figure how bland talk of reform is going to win him much new support. There was no applause for his explanation...



  1. I agree that Trump won, but also think Carson should have been second. I think he did a great job. Loved the way they attacked the media with their biased questions.

  2. I don't understand WHY Republicans go on these Pro dem debates ? You don't see dems going on a FOX news debate.

  3. Trump and Carson were the ones who requested a reduction in debate time.From what I understand,both concurred pre debate that the time reduction "could" result in less speaking time for each.That proves that both have the capacity to compromise,which is a valuable asset for a potential president.

  4. 7:33, On a local level, why do they have a Chamber of Commerce debate when 99% of the business owners don't live in Salisbury? The most recent one was televised live, that makes more sense as the voters could see it. In the debate I was in they made sure there was a much smaller venue where the mass majority of people attending were members of the Chamber and it was not televised. The fix is always in when it comes to local elections.

    As for your comment, I firmly agree. Why do republicans even entertain walking into such an environment. One other thing a lot of you don't know. If you are a basic cable customer, you couldn't watch the debate last night. Even if you wanted to watch it on line you had to be a higher end subscriber. WHY, because the Liberal Media doesn't want you to see it, they want you to READ their version of it soon after.

    America is getting dumber and that is exactly what the Liberals want. They want you dependent on them and only them. God Forbid we create our own opinion, especially something as important as a Presidential Election.

    1. I agree 100% but why oh why is Pribus allowing this ? Does he want Republicans to fail on these Dem Debates.

    2. Joe i hear tim spies gave back his contributions money ,he is all charchter why not do a post on it ?

  5. Replies
    1. Cruz and trump nailed it by blasting the one sided moderators.

  6. It would have been nice if the debate was televised on a major network like CBS, or ABC. Since I can no longer afford Cable, I had to listen to it on the radio. Felt like I was back in the Thirties or Forties sitting around the radio. Funny how things seem to revert back when times are bad?

    1. Obama is putting us back in the 30s.

  7. According to who you follow – here are a few other takes

    Washington Post
    Rubio, Christie Cruz – and one clear loser, Bush

    Rubio. Cruz, Christie a winner.
    Carson, Bush, Huckabee, Paul, Fiorina, Kasich losers.
    Trump neutral.

    NY Times
    Marco Rubio Won, and CNBC Lost

    Charles Krauthammer
    gold, silver and bronze medals to Marco Rubio, Chris Christie and Ted Cruz, respectively,

  8. The only person on that stage who I could see had the power and demeanor to destroy those liberal twits was Donald Trump.

    That's who I'm voting for. Wasn't 100% sure until last night.

    Carson, although I love him, seemed dazed and confused. He's almost too nice.

    Cruz appears to always be in performance mode though most everything he says i agree with.

    Rubio is too young. He will make a great President in a decade or two.

    The rest of them should just call it quits now, especially Bush. Every time he spoke I cringed. He is pathetic and I can't stand to look at him because i see his brother. Same mannerisms, same politics. Please go away.

  9. These people are Nuts Cruz came in first then trump then rubio, don't trust dem bs reviews.

  10. Funny report. I have not seen any other media outlet (right or left wing) reporting that Trump won the debate. In fact, most have him pretty well down the list. Wonder why Drudge is so high on Trumps performance. It really wasn't that good. I think Jeb is toast and Trump getting better ready to take a major slide.

  11. Reince Priebus set up these debates and is worse that Michael Steele and I didn't think that was possible.

  12. Forget the local level...there isn't one.....the mess known as the eastern shore isn't going improve anytime soon.....way too much has been lost.....people,jobs,companies be it retail or industry. Tourism is all that's really left and that'd not saying much. All you people do is complain,blame,and point fingers.........and those three things do nothing....the people on the shore aren't friendly to new comers,or tourists......I know as I was both at one time and happily left for much greener pastures.....the area I call home now is filled with very nice people who greet everyone the same.....the tourism here blows ocean city off the map and the locals have no problem with that. This isn't a post to brag about someplace else...it's to point out to you folks alot of what's wrong on delmarva.........take a real hard look at yourselves and where you live.........your all losing your way of life on the shore very quickly........you think that with just you locals it will all be fixed.....your all sadly mistaken.......here is a hint.....democrats have ruined the shore......case closed......that's just for starters....

  13. 719 is gobbledegook.
    Get a life. Fight the negatives. We need people that are positive, not you.

    Sorry you feel that way.

  14. Actually your missing the point....719 has a point and it's not negative it's honest.......the shore is a mess and it's been along time in coming.....I read the posts here and it's constantly how the locals have it all figured out and the come here's ect are the problem.....along with the tourists...nothing has been done about the negatives in decades and now it's game over.....what is needed are new companies that bring good paying jobs......new industry.....and people that can stop pointing fingers.....and actually do something......you locals dont.


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