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Sunday, November 01, 2015

Expect A Historic Low Voter Turnout In The Upcoming Salisbury Election

While Candidates go door to door expressing their platforms to alleged registered voters, once again we have come to learn they approach the front door to Mr. & Mrs. Johnson, introduce themselves only to learn the Johnson's moved five years ago and the current residents aren't registered voters.

I have been preaching for years that the registered voter list hasn't been purged in a good 12 years. 

While this may be one reason we expect a very low voter turnout, there's another BIG reason. No one is running against Jake Day for Mayor and that in itself will assure many that there's no real reason to go out and vote. 

It's a sad day when you live in a community where no one cares. Here's the most interesting part about the truth behind who is and isn't registered. IF they actually purged the qualified registered voters I'd bet you that you actually see about an 80% turn out at the polls. That's right, the extremely low numbers you hear about are NOT TRUE at all. The local Liberals LOVE the fact that no one is challenging that list because so many of you are thinking, why even vote, what's the difference any more, no one else does. 

Yes, it will be yet another sad day in Salisbury Maryland next Tuesday. You will get a rubber stamp Mayor and Council and guess what, think about how difficult it's going to be four years from now when you actually get so fed up and try to get these people voted out. That's right, a Mayor who only makes $25,000.00 a year and a Council that gets paid peanuts. 

They win, you lose. Get out and vote people! Oh, that's right, WHY?


  1. I will vote and you Joe, will be the write-in candidate for Mayor.

  2. He should. I spoke to a Delegate the other day who was under the impression that every time they sent out the consensus packet, the voter registration is update. LMAO!

  3. Where is gov hogan on this joe?.

  4. I am a Salisbury native, born in and schooled in Salisbury. I graduated from James M. Bennett in 1976. I left this area and joined the U.S. Marines in 1977 and retired in 1998. I returned to Salisbury in 2002, and I could not believe the change in this area; I now live in Delmar MD. I plan on retiring in 5 years, and the first thing I'm going to do is get the hell out of this area and Maryland. Salisbury and Wicomico County politics and our liberal Democrat state is unpleasurable to be around. People don't vote because no one cares, because what the people want doesn't matter. The mayor of Salisbury is a Clown along with the council members to include our two welfare queens.

    1. 1000% correct.

    2. I Agree WHERE is hogan on this issue.

    3. This is why I left the eastern shore. It was the best thing.

  5. The sad thing about the voters lists for Salisbury and Wicomico County being outdated is that a local company provides the services to merge/purge this information. Data Services, Inc in Winterplace Park does this type of work and verifies all of the addresses, etc. They do the address verifications for the US Postal Service, along with many other things. But you all know the good ole boys rather pay millions to some outsider for a study before updating the list and then still don't use their local resources.

  6. This is why I left the area. The politics in this town stink.

  7. I bet if you had a "mock election" on this site (vote with comments) it would have more votes cast than the Salisbury election.

  8. why vote. Its a gimmie for Jake Day!

  9. 11:54-You will move many times throughout the remainder of your life.

  10. No republican candidate just proves the republican committee for Salisbury is full of RINO's! To not put a candidate is giving the Dems everything they want, which appears to be to sell Salisbury off to the lowest bidder. Salisbury is on it's way to becoming nothing more than a company town owned by local businesses in the real estate business!

  11. I could fix Salisbury easy by doing away with every rental home problem solved just like that. Those who own homes care about their property investment and are a better grade of people.

  12. Anonymous said...
    why vote. Its a gimmie for Jake Day!

    October 28, 2015 at 1:17 PM

    What a bunch of idiots that gave him $25,000 to be mayor. Proves to me that Jake Day is owned by someone!

  13. Anonymous said...
    I could fix Salisbury easy by doing away with every rental home problem solved just like that. Those who own homes care about their property investment and are a better grade of people.

    October 28, 2015 at 6:38 PM

    I agree, but easier said than done.

  14. 1:45 you are a mouth breather. Why did you not run. There is not enough money in Salisbury to get me to run or want to run for Mayor. One huge ghetto and you can not blame that on anyone but liberals

  15. Tim SPIES for council!

  16. Why vote? It's just for the good citizens entertainment and to give them a sense of having some say in those matters. People get selected, not elected. YOU proved that in the last election. Or do you really think Ireton got more votes than you?


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