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Sunday, November 29, 2015

Funeral business thrives as Baltimore's homicide rates soar

BALTIMORE —There have been 309 homicides this year in Baltimore compared to 194 this time last year.

But there is something most of people may not think about: Each number represents a person who has to be properly buried. Some local funeral homes are working hard to keep up with the pace.

It isn't an across-the-board problem. Many of the larger funeral homes are not seeing an increase, but some of the smaller community-based ones say the pace has been exhausting.

Baltimore's homicide rate has skyrocketed in the months since the April riots to levels not seen in decades. John Williams, who owns a funeral home in Park Heights knows that all too well.



  1. Who is paying for the funerals? Is there a death entitlement also?

  2. The omalley gun ban is working out great. Sounds like a little concealed carry would do Baltimore right . Thugs killing thugs is a blessing to the rest of society.

  3. Taxpayers must be paying the bill somehow.

  4. Social Security pays a couple of hundred bucks. The rest is probably raised by family, churches, etc. The average funeral costs something north of $6000, but if it's a direct cremation with a limited service, the price can be as low as $1200, or even lower without a funeral home provided service.

  5. I think social services can help with funeral expenses as well. It would be cheaper on the taxpayer to have the bodies donated to science for study.

  6. Forensics classes love a cadaver with bullet holes in it.

  7. All black on black. God's punishment for an immoral people who have turned their backs on Him.

  8. Believe it or not 4:33 there is. There is a state funded fund that doles out money to pay for funeral expenses for "victims" if the family is unable to pay.

  9. I hope this article is not intended to elicit sympathy for those bums and thugs.

  10. And not one of the so called black lives matter crowd can name one of these 'victims.' Black lives ONLY matter when a racial agenda can be attached to it and if they say otherwise they are damn liars who yes God is very angry with. The lack of honesty in that culture is the root and the ONLY root of all their problems and as soon as they stop lying to themselves and others will anything ever improve.

  11. A recent online poll of 10,000 internet respondaces, 78% do not care they are killing each other. The dead are usually drug dealers, pimps, or members of gangs, so no one really gives a damm.

  12. I hope they can reach the 365, or one a day goal by the end of the year!

    1. A thug a day makes the crime go away!

  13. The blacks are achieving the goals of Margaret Sanger, only after birth.

  14. Sounds like "business" is booming in Baltimore at least for the undertakers.

  15. I don't think this is what Hogan meant when he said Maryland was open for business

  16. 7:27 immorality is within the individual. I'm black and I made out just fine. College graduate, beautiful wife and three children. House, couple cars, Fortune 500 management position. I'm blessed because as an individual I chose God. Judge upon the content of character and not the color of skin. Because there are plenty of all races that have turned from God.


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