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Thursday, November 19, 2015

‘Close the Borders’ Movement Sweeping Nation

Backlash grows against Obama's migrant resettlement plan

Americans are starting to melt down phone lines in Washington, D.C., as backlash explodes against President Obama’s migrant resettlement program.

People are flooding social media to encourage Americans to call their congressional representatives to stop the resettlement of Middle Eastern migrants after government officials and contractors admitted the migrants cannot be tracked or vetted properly.

“Call your congressperson now and demand defunding Obama’s Syrian refugee plan,” one tweet of many states.



  1. What a shame that it takes another tragedy (ie: 9/11) for people and politicians to get their head out of their butts. But of course the Obama die hard won't budge. Saying if we don't allow these terrorists in that they win???? How can anyone be a Democrat unless your a Muslim, black, or just plain asinine.

  2. ^^^ you, sir or madam, are what's wrong with the world. Have seem compassion for your fellow man. "love thy neighbor, " or would you rather just say "love thy white neighbor." The world will continue to suffer with bigots like you bringing little bigots into it.


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