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Thursday, November 19, 2015

BREAKING NEWS: House approves Syrian refugee screening bill

The House, in a 289-137 vote, approved a bill to toughen screening for Syrian and Iraqi refugees, with dozens of Democrats joining majority Republicans in defiance of a White House veto threat.


  1. the american majority has spoken

    an unbelievably the politicians listened and acted accordingly

    the POSP won't though

  2. Let the clown veto it, this will lessen the chances of the female Obama becoming our next president.

  3. 3:34 Yay! We may then get the White Obama hair piece from the other side of the aisle. America loses!

  4. 3:34 are you afraid of him??? at least he believes in america

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    3:34 Yay! We may then get the White Obama hair piece from the other side of the aisle. America loses!

    November 19, 2015 at 4:03 PM

    You're an idiot!! Anything is better than that illegal Muslim from Kenya. I'd whoop your but if you said that to my face!!

  6. Who are the 137 P.O.S.'s who voted against it?

  7. 4:55 Publish the names!

  8. Thank GOD some people in Congress have real concern and common sense to protect Americans even when this president refuses to do so. He should be tried for treason against America for his complete failure to protect THIS homeland.

  9. Going to be an Executive Order giving the refugee's citizenship.


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