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Monday, October 05, 2015


The White House confirmed that President Obama was preparing a series of executive actions on gun control to match his recent passion on the issue after the latest mass shooting in Oregon.

“It’s a high priority and will continue to be until we start to see more progress on this issue in this town,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest told reporters today at the press briefing.

Earnest said he would “quibble” with anyone who criticized the president for not voicing any specific gun control proposals during his press conference, asserting that the White House was working behind the scenes for more executive actions on guns.



  1. The best thing that could happen for this country is for obama to drop dead of a massive stroke and on the way down hits his head so hard that he shatters his skull. Though it would be fun to see him survive the stroke and be a vegetable, unable to move, eat or drink and wearing diapers. That would be a neat thing to see.

  2. Will the Repubs. STOP this crap???? Obama must be stopped.

  3. It will be a lie. He has no power to override the Constitution. He proves again and again that he is an incompetent moron. It's time for some good Republican leadership to bring impeachment charges up on this Muslim.

    1. He may not have the authority but we've all seen him violate the constitution again and again

    2. Exactly! !! Just like ALL the BS he has pulled. I'm glad that moron is doing ad ll this it's getting people to ACTUALLY read or at least talk about the Constitution! !! You won't have a Pelosi moment where you'll have to pass it before you can read it. You'll have to read it before you can pass it. The Constitution that is.

  4. 15 more months of this muslim.

  5. This guy is the dumbest MF I've ever seen.

  6. Please, would anyone who voted for this person fess up?

    All I hear these days is that so and so is a homophobic. I ask, who really cares? Who really cares because someone has gay friends?

    Personally, I want someone to lead us back to prosperity, not to a gay relationship. Those that want to be queer, keep doing your thing and don't ask me to vote for someone to further your personal agenda or ask for my participation. I stand with the remaining 97% of the population.

  7. 4:22 YES! I am also praying that he gets a very painful fast moving cancer!

  8. 4:22 I would never wish that on anyone. I just want him to go away.

  9. Now do yo think the jade helm crap was all for nothing???? They will be coming for your guns very soon and the help of the UN will come with...

  10. He is the greatest gun and ammo seller of all time. Every time he spews this crap gun sales go thru the roof!!


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