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Monday, October 05, 2015

When You Hear What Dr. Ben Carson Just Told NASCAR Fans, You’ll Want to Stand and Cheer

GOP candidate Ben Carson made an announcement on Monday that had NASCAR fans all over the country rejoicing.

According to US News, Carson said that NASCAR fans should continue to fly Confederate flags, as long as they do so on private property. This came just after racing legend Richard Petty offered Carson an informal endorsement.
“We’re hoping he’s endorsing the camp, we’re not necessarily endorsing him, but we are — you know what I mean?” Petty said in a brief interview.

“He’s very humane,” Petty responded when asked what he liked about Carson. “That’s one of his strong points as far as we’re concerned.”


  1. So what? I can't have one on public property? Flag safety zones? Carson almost looks good. Only thing is why would we chance making the same mistake twice?

  2. Yep but obama couldn't careleas about the civil war.

  3. Yes, and my vehicle is my private property and I drive it on roads that I paid to build.

    1. It's not your property. What, don't believe me? Stop paying your property tax see how "private" it is.

  4. No comparison between Obama and Carson. Carson has a real education and proved it in his work. Obama, on the other hand...?

  5. 5:24. What mistake exactly are you referring to?

    1. Hope and change turned into despair and manged.

    2. You honestly want to know what mistake I meant? I'm talking about a black potus right after the first failed attempt. But I guess the old adage goes.... If at first you don't succeed, try try again.

  6. 8:07, so you vet your candidates based on skin color, I see.

    Yeah, that was yesterday 60 years ago.

    Open your ears, a$$hat!

  7. "8:07, so you vet your candidates based on skin color, I see.

    Yeah, that was yesterday 60 years ago."

    Bullsh*t. That was not '60 years ago'. That was just a couple of years ago when all YOU a$$hats got your panties in a wad voting for the black guy regardless of his obviously disastrous campaign platform. However, I do agree with you on one thing - DO NOT judge Carson based on him sharing skin color with the current loser in the White House. Dr. Carson is the real deal.


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