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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Trump Hits New High in NBC/WSJ Poll

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump had his highest showing yet in the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, with Ben Carson running close behind him.

Donald Trump: 25 percent
Ben Carson: 22 percent
Marco Rubio: 13 percent
Ted Cruz: 9 percent
Jeb Bush: 8 percent
Carly Fiorina: 7 percent
Mike Huckabee: 3 percent
John Kasich: 3 percent
Rand Paul: 2 percent
Chris Christie: 1 percent
Lindsey Graham: less than 1 percent
Rick Santorum: less than 1 percent
George Pataki: less than 1 percent
Bobby Jindal: less than 1 percent
Jim Gilmore: less than 1 percent

Trump's support among Republican voters is up from 21 percent a month ago in the same poll. Carson's grew his support from 20 percent in September, while Fiorina has dropped from 11 percent last month.



  1. the low percentage ones need to drop out and end the clown show and let things get serious.

  2. Anyone with less than 10% needs to get out


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