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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Background Checks?


  1. Not a Ted Cruz Fan, but that is an excellent point! Well said.

  2. Prior to 9/11 it is obvious that people did not have to be hired by an actual airlines to be eligible for pilot training.No one EVER mentioned that fact after 9/11.For example;any police academy in the US currently requires that applicants are first hired by an actual police department before they can attend a police academy.Why didn't the airline industry require the same,and if by some stretch they did require the applicants to first have a job promised to them upon graduation,what airlines hired and screened them before the famous "I don't need to know how to land it,I only need to know how to fly it" statement was made? Shame on a system that would enable that to happen.

  3. sounds like something a complete idiot would say. That would be the cruiser.

  4. Is anyone going to do a background check on those Muslim refugees Obama is going to let in our country? Notice they are all males? We are going to transport them, give them welfare, food stamps, housing and medicaid and they are going to kill us. WTF! Doesn't anyone else see that?

  5. I see it 3:13. It is as obvious as it can be to any thinking person, but unfortunately we have become a society of mind dead idiots. You are right-they are going to kill us and the government that is supposed to protect us is not only allowing it, but providing aid and comfort to the enemy right in front of our eyes. It's going to get real bad.

  6. "sounds like something a complete idiot would say. That would be the cruiser." Maybe his point is a little too complicated for you. You probably react better to pithy rhetoric like "Hope and Change!" and "Yes we can!". Frikkin' moron.


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