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Saturday, October 24, 2015

New Berlin Signs To Tout ‘Small Town’ Designation, Remind Motorists To Slow Down

BERLIN – Two new signs will soon welcome visitors to Berlin.

The town received approval from the Worcester County Commissioners to install two signs, one on Route 113 and another on Libertytown Road, welcoming drivers to Berlin. Laura Allen, town administrator, says it’s part of an effort to increase the town’s visibility in the wake of its recognition last year as America’s Coolest Small Town by Budget Travel.

“We feel it’s the right time,” she said.

The signs, which are identical, say “Welcome to Berlin” and feature a banner proclaiming it America’s Coolest Small Town. They also ask visitors to “Slow Down in Our Town.” A local company is making the signs, which cost $1,700 and were designed by Ivy Wells, the town’s economic development director.



  1. Someone has overestimated the mental capacity of the motorists they are referring to.That sign won't change a thing.

  2. The problem with the speed limit in Berlin is they start the lower speed way to soon. Most drivers seeing a speed limit sign with buildings around will actually obey it, but when the speed limit sign is on the highway with nothing around a lot of drivers will tend to ignore it and when they get to the point where they should slow down they don't.

  3. 11:38 I agree.

    Also, why does the sign not say "Home of the Runaway Bride"


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