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Thursday, October 22, 2015

Lawsuit: Obama Administration Withholding Draft of Clinton Whitewater Indictment

Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch is suing the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) to obtain copies of a 20-year-old draft indictment against Hillary Clinton for her role in the Whitewater scandal. 

In a press release sent to reporters late on Tuesday, Judicial Watch announced its intent to file a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against NARA for withholding an indictment written by Hickman Ewing, Jr., the deputy independent counsel and prosecutor investigating Whitewater, in 1996. The agency admitted it had found the records in March 2015 but is withholding the documents, claiming their release would constitute an unwarranted invasion of Clinton’s privacy.

“Judicial Watch has confirmed the existence of draft indictments of Hillary Clinton for her lies and obstruction in the Whitewater bank-fraud investigation,” the group’s president Tom Fitton wrote in the statement. “The Obama administration is refusing to release these records out of concern for Hillary Clinton’s privacy. Hillary Clinton’s privacy cannot be allowed to trump the public’s interest in knowing more about whether she obstructed justice and lied to a federal grand jury.”



  1. Uh. If it's in the National Archives it's information owned by the public.

  2. Oh yeah, let's do that all again because it was so much fun in the 90's.

  3. And while you're at it, how about having Obama's college records unsealed? If either institute received any federal money, even as much as a grant, these records are also public.

  4. The Clinton's are liars, he was impeached, and she moves her mouth and lies come rolling out, she just committed murder on her watch.

  5. It is never we have some really good ideas for the country. Is it? No, it always lets catch the Democrats at something, obstruction not governance.
    We don't have to put forth any good ideas to solve the problems facing the country, just tear the other guy down.


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