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Thursday, October 22, 2015


German Hunter Pays $60,000 to Kill One of Africa’s Biggest Elephants


  1. Any fool who would hunt and kill an elephant needs a mental health check up! This is not just sad its sick! And I am a conservative hunter!!

  2. you are right. this is incredibly sad. this shouldn't be allowed.

  3. Joe, Saw the headline a day or so ago and didn't have the emotional strength at the time to click on the link.
    Thank you for posting it. It is a heart breaker and an absolute
    outrage! I hope world opinion overwhelms and crushes the murderer.

  4. For what? I love guns but use the kill for food...Not a trophy...WTF man....I bet that was Obama using that gun on the poor animal...

  5. Trophy hunting should be against the law. However, in the USA laws don't count because liberal Democrats won't allow them to be enforced.

  6. The jackass too much of a coward to show his face on film.

    Why kill this majestic animal? All he wanted to do was live and protect his herd. I only wish it had been the other way around, and the german got trampled to death.

  7. Supposedly educated people like the good old dentist, the female killer hunter, this jackass murderer, and several more sport killers are all in a class to themselves, KILLERS WHO LUST ONLY TO KILL defenseless animals and then either throw the bodies away, or hang their heads on a wall. These people are very disturbed and unbalanced people and at some point, they will snap and start killing people.

    It is my wish that these people be turned lose in the wild with no guns, or knives available to them and let the animals lose on them. That's the justice they deserve.

    To kill these animals elephants, lions, tigers, bears, whales,dolphins, sharks is destroying the balance of nature and many of these species are so rare that they will never be back. Why kill them? Just for the game of blood sport. Why can't you use the money you spent for their survival and protection, and do good for the species??? Why kill what you don't understand???

    I know you can't possibly have any religion in you, but be very sure of this, you will never out live the Almighty GOD who will remember all the damage you have done to his creation and creatures great and small. You will live to regret all the pain, suffering, and death you did.

  8. Trophy hunting. What's the trophy for? Being driven to a wildlife area in an air conditioned Land Rover after eating a fat breakfast on fine china to aim a rifle, pull the trigger and pose for photos.
    Pretty damned shallow... shallow to the point of pathology.

  9. Pretty sad to kill an animal whose only defense would be to knock you down with a big tusk and then squash you. And you shoot a kill shot from 110 yards with a quarter ounce projectile flying at 1800 feet per second. Some accomplishment.
    There's a mental health issue at work here.


  10. Hold on there people ,my friends at work only trophy hunt.They only kill bucks for their rack and have a point system for the best buck,biggest buck.The only difference is they are poor and are jealous .If they had the means (money) they to would kill for the sport of killing.Trust me the photo of the elephant did not break their heart one bit.

  11. 8:12 AM you certainly are free to have such "friends", but I would never ever call such people that slaughter wild animals just for the sake of killing them to garner points in some type of mentally ill game friends; they are cold blooded murderers.


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