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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Town Hall Question To Trump: When Can We Get Rid Of Muslims?

Donald Trump received an explosive question from an audience member about Muslims at a town hall Thursday night in Rochester, New Hampshire.

“We have a problem in this country and it’s called Muslims. We know our current president is one. You know he’s not even an American–” the man asked Trump.

Trump laughs: “We need this question? This first one?” 



  1. Trumps response is ,there is a WAR against Christians in America and he is 100% Correct.

  2. Obama is a muslim and there are training camps upstate ny and Michigan google it.

    1. There is also a training camp right here in Maryland, near Hagerstown. Google it.

  3. 8:57 Is that part of Jade Helm take over? How is that going?

    1. Google muslim training camps in upstate ny i DARE you !

    2. You mean FEMA region 3??

  4. Really off the rails here. Very nice that the disgusting bigots in this country now have a candidate to rally around. Thank you for identifying yourselves, I'm sure your children ,fiends and neighbors are very proud of you all.

  5. "Disgusting bigots" 9:07? Hardly. Just because we happen to care about future generations makes us "disgusting bigots? 9:07?
    It is a damn shame that you care so little about future generation. A DAMN SHAME.
    You happen to be a "disgusting" example of a human being and don't you dare ever forget it.
    For your information it wasn't Paddy O'Leary or Stash Wikowski or Sol Goldstein who blew up the World Trade Centers killing 1000's. It was Muslims-Einstein. Muslims who killed and maimed people in Boston.
    I hope to hell you don't have children! If so they are to be pitied because you pal are a piss poor example of a parent and don't you dare ever forget it unless and until YOU change YOUR attitude! You got it!

    1. 1000% correct but these liberal fools will start WWIII and its coming.

  6. 9:07 Tell that to the family of the lady who was beheaded while at work by a Muslim last year in Oklahoma. Imagine how she felt while the knife was slicing through her neck. Imagine the terror in her eyes. Imagine the pain. Imagine the blood.
    You are beyond disgusting. You are repulsive. You are a putrid stain on this country.

  7. Can you imagine what America would have done if the Japanese set up TRAINING CAMPS in this country to teach military maneuvers and told anyone who would listen that they intend to take over the United States and kill all infidels (meaning us, the American people?).
    9:07 is THE biggest threat to our safety --- HE is willing to let the very people sworn to kill him move right next door. I'll ask him --- how many Muslims murders, bombings, mutilations, beheadings, stonings, immolations, church burnings, and child marriages does he have to see Muslims do before he realizes the truth? HOW MANY????
    Willfully ignorant.
    Nixon spoke of the "silent majority". And he was correct.
    Who doesn't think there is a silent majority of Muslims who are happy that the Koran is being followed?
    Just because some Muslims don't assemble in the streets and cheer the deaths of infidels DOES NOT mean they are AGAINST what other, more committed Muslims do....
    Why doesn't 9:07 go over to Syria and tell them how much he likes them and how bad he feels that they are getting such a bad rap around the world?
    Answer? He knows they'd cut HIS head off, too. They LOVE Americans who refuse to condemn their animalistic and murderous culture. It makes their efforts so much easier......
    9:07 --- keep cheering.

  8. The truth is Obama's citizenship and faith are highly suspect. The media, including Fox, refuse to honestly examine the evidence. They continue to blindly subscribe to The Big Lie.

    The people that have closely examined Obama's long form birth certificate believe the large number of errors suggest it is statistically impossible for it to be authentic.

    But don't believe me, look into it. Realize that Eric Schmidt from Google spent the last election night in the Obama war room dancing Gangnam Style to Obama propaganda. So, you may have to dig a little deeper than normal. While you're at it, you can Google "The Big Lie" too.

    The establishment must defeat Trump at any cost.

  9. 9:26 is a real tough guy....actually not, what he and those like him posting pure hatred and bigotry on this site are afraid of their own shadows. Keep your bigoted, hateful heads in your precious Eastern Shore sand morons. Thankfully you all live in a bubble and can only hurt yourselves.

  10. Disturbed people? Why? Because we want the Muslims out? Even the slightest called peaceful ones still read from the book of evil. They still want Sharia law. Hate is the seed that drives a Muslim.

  11. Trump for President.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Obama is a muslim and there are training camps upstate ny and Michigan google it.

    September 18, 2015 at 8:57 AM

    Um... There are training camps right next door to us in Virginia. Google it!

    I love when these well intended know it all's don't know it all.

  13. I loved Trump's response. He was right on the money and we do need to address this.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Really off the rails here. Very nice that the disgusting bigots in this country now have a candidate to rally around. Thank you for identifying yourselves, I'm sure your children ,fiends and neighbors are very proud of you all.

    September 18, 2015 at 9:07 AM

    We are at war with these Muslims and they are killing our soldiers and our civilians and you want to call some one a bigot. Why don't you carry your liberal pansy ass over to one of those Middle Eastern countries of your choice and love all over them. Better yet, please sign your name so that we know who you are when the war breaks out on our soil that the rest of us will eventually fight back on.

  15. 9:32 and how many Christians committed murders in the US last year?

  16. 11:52...nice try.
    Your logic and reasoning skills are quite deficient, though. Do you see the flaw in what you ask??
    Go back to the drawing board.

  17. news media clueless as usual. they love living in lala land.

  18. " Anonymous said...

    9:32 and how many Christians committed murders in the US last year?

    September 18, 2015 at 11:52 AM"

    A lot and that is exactly why Muslims needs to stay the hell out of here. You people have no forward thinking skills whatsoever.
    We have enough of our own home grown murderers to deal with and sure as hell don't need another country's murderers coming here.

  19. 11:52, Your logic is flawed. Muslims are killing millions in the name of their fake 'religion.' We may have a handful of "Christian" nuts killing in the name of their fake religion too, but sheer numbers of Muslims killing over religion is epidemic. The fact that it is epidemic would give any rational well informed person cause for concern.

  20. 11:52
    Here is the difference. Open the quran and read it. You will see several verses in there telling them to kill the nonbeliever. Now open the New Testament. Show me where God says to kill people.

    God gives people free will. He tells them NOT to kill. Mohammed on the other hand wants all killed but muslims.

  21. Trump is not going to do anything about the "muslims" just like Obama did nothing for the blacks. The president is a figure head and does not run the country. That is why there are separate branches of the government to ensure not jobs like Trump/Obama can't become the "King". Trump is playing you fools like a fiddle. All he does is say things are going to be great but has yet to come up with a plan on how achieve these goals of his.

  22. Don't be so silly 2:58. You can not compare Trump to Obama. It is not possible. They are as different as night and day.
    Obama has not accomplished one positive thing his entire life.
    Donald Trump has accomplished so much.
    Obama is from a different class than Trump, the lowest class (ghetto trash) that all they know how to do is lie and hustle people.
    FYI The president is not entirely a "figure head." Ever heard of executive order? Look it up and then try and claim a president is powerless. Veto is another power.
    Another FYI for you: Go to Trump's website for his plans on how he plans on achieve his stated goals. He has been laying them out for a few weeks now. You are the fool. Real good at running your mouth but only have untruths (yet to come up w/a plan)to say.

  23. IF I was born in Hawaii but had a Connecticut issued Social Security numbers, what question would a reasonable person ask me?

    1. The same that could be asked of me, about my Virginia issued SSN, since I was born in Florida.

      And my response would be, "because my parents moved to Virginia when I was two years old, and didn't apply for the SSN until I was three."

  24. Media jumped on that & ran with it. It's NOT up to the candidate to correct anybody's (what was clearly an)

  25. Anonymous said...
    Really off the rails here. Very nice that the disgusting bigots in this country now have a candidate to rally around. Thank you for identifying yourselves, I'm sure your children ,fiends and neighbors are very proud of you all.

    September 18, 2015 at 9:07 AM

    Aw is that you Chuck Cook?

  26. Anonymous said...
    9:32 and how many Christians committed murders in the US last year?

    September 18, 2015 at 11:52 AM

    We are not talking about Christians, Dork!! And if they did commit a murder then they are not a Christian you ignorant moron!

    1. The "no true Scotsman" fallacy.


  27. You people are dumb as Hell! It is not the responsibility of any Republican to correct anyone about these issues or questions.

  28. 9:02.... that answer would be okay if it were the truth.
    Now, explain to us, in the most liberal, circular logic possible, how a man who apparently was never in Connecticut in his life, never worked there and never lived there, could get a SSN from that state, and FURTHER, get the SSN of a man who already had that number and was dead. AND, continues to use it!
    Why this question has not been given much attention is beyond me.
    If "we, the people" were doing that, there would be a trial scheduled for us.
    Two sets of laws.


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