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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Doritos Shows Support For LGBT Teens With Limited-Run Rainbow Tortilla Chips

Some of America’s biggest companies have publicly shown support of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram posts. Today, one snack company took its commitment to another level: creating a limited-edition bag of rainbow-colored Doritos.

Frito-Lay, which produces Doritos, said the new ‘Doritos Rainbows’ chips are the company’s way of celebrating and showing support for the LGBT community as part of its partnership with the It Gets Better Project, an organization started to encourage gay and lesbian teenagers who’ve been bullied.

“Time and again, our consumers have shown us, there really is nothing bolder than being true to yourself and living life to the fullest,” Ram Krishnan, chief marketing officer, Frito-Lay, said in a statement. “With Doritos Rainbows chips, we’re bringing an entirely new product experience to our consumers to show our commitment toward equal rights for the LGBT community and celebrate humanity without exception.”



  1. Not quite sure what these companies are thinking when they put out advertising and packages that cater to these minorities. How much business will they lose how much business will they gain.

  2. Another product I won't buy any longer. Anyone who supports this will not receive my business.

  3. I will never eat another Dorito again. These are some very ignorant people to think that the majority of us love what they are doing catering to a sick minority.

  4. No celebration of anything here, just an attempt to cater to a wider sales audience and increase those sales. Let's see how many stay on the shelves.

  5. You're free to boycott, of course, but I would imagine the demographics for doritos eaters is skewed towards young people and not crotchety grandpas, so I'm pretty sure Frito-Lay won't care. That being said, if I were a member of the LGBT community I'd be feeling a little exploited.

  6. Hey this audience member wants Sour Cream and Onion to make a return!!!!!

  7. Very cool. And for those who question there strategy. Far more people support freedoms than don't so good luck on the boycott.

    1. Nice try but you would be wrong.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    No celebration of anything here, just an attempt to cater to a wider sales audience and increase those sales. Let's see how many stay on the shelves.

    September 19, 2015 at 11:16 AM

    A wider sales audience? You are an idiot to think that Homo's never ate Doritos. LMFAO, you MORON!!

  9. 11:17- Exactly how do you exploit loud,flamboyant. and in your face?

  10. Don't be fooled by this empty gesture. Of course Frito-Lay doesn't have such a commitment to the LGBT community that they are willing to stock the store shelves with these. They wouldn't dare because they know exactly what would happen.
    They have to be ordered. They are 10 bucks a bag and FL is covering the cost of shipping. I would hope so with that price tag.

  11. 12:11 must be one of those radical Homos who loves to shove this mental illness in your face. It has nothing to do with freedom and I can assure you that.

  12. This whole story is disgusting and any person that thinks they are the opposite sex obviously has a mental problem. We as a nation need to quit coddling these sick people and institutionalize them like we did back in Colonial times. It is a mental illness and we need to quit sugar coating it and celebrating it. A man that puts his reproductive organ in another mans excretory canal for sexual pleasure is a very sick person.

  13. Must be nice to have so much time on your hands that you'll get outraged by a bag of chips.

  14. 11:27 is absolutely correct. The bigger issue is the sour cream and onion. We need that. Who do I write?

  15. 12:20 PM
    You think that LGBT sales won't go up? Guess again.

  16. Our Country is being torn apart by a Muslim President and you folks focus on gay snack chips. Wake up people.

  17. They look good, where can I get a bag?

  18. No more Doritos in my house.

  19. I don't eat Dorito's anyway. Now I never will

  20. Another reason to stop eating processed junk.

  21. I would hate to taste the flavors in that bag! Another company bowing down to the deviants and morally challenged people. What a joke!!!!

  22. i think it's cute when young people think they're going to stay young forever.

    i just wish i could be around when said young people turn into "crotchety grandpas"

    you'll find out for yourself one day when the world stops caring about you because you're not "the market"

  23. Wish the homos would leave alone the word "gay" and the "rainbow". Neither have anything to do with who, or what you have sex with.

  24. Now Doritos are bad for me for a whole 'nother reason. Glad my doctor got me to quit eating junk food.

  25. I won't be supporting them anymore...


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