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Sunday, September 20, 2015

This photo may make a lot of people uncomfortable or even piss a few people off

I'm sure this photo makes a lot of people uncomfortable it may even piss a few people off but the main reason I took it...
Posted by Eva Holland on Thursday, September 10, 2015


  1. You and your family are very brave you did this for all the right reasons. I have lost a sister relationship due to drugs, prescription drugs and alcohol made her treat family crappy, and tell me I should take her actions or not at all. I took care of her when she was broken, but she turned her back on me and told my friends I was dead. I still pray before one of us dies she realizes what she lost, but my hope has nearly vanished. The last thing I told her when she was ready really ready we needed a serious face to face talk, not rude nasty phone calls, I never heard from her again. Pray for these people I hope your message helps others.

  2. I am sorry for your loss. I am sure along with all your other feelings you too are feeling angry. Make sure you and the kids get the assistance you may need in the way of counseling. I have no answers to this or any other addictions so I will offer you none. I wish you and your family well.

    10:57 I imagine the drugs are doing the talking.

  3. this looks about as fake as it can be

    1. Whether this is fake or not, the message is quite clear. And, I thank them for that.

  4. I was in the same shape years ago , God saved me for a reason.

  5. Why are the people smiling?

  6. I'm not so certain that this is in the best interest of the children. They are too young to be able to make an informed decision on whether they wanted to do this or not. Whether she realizes it or not her children do have a right to privacy and it is her duty as a mother to see to it that that duty is preserved. She's failed miserably.

  7. I agree. If you go to her FB it's all about "I" "I" "I".
    She ends this post with the usual if what she's done helps anyone else.
    The bottom line it's not her moral obligation to worry about anyone else before she worries about her own children.
    She's an impulsive bimbo.
    The prudent thing to have written down the thoughts while still fresh and put that away along with the photo and when the children were old enough to make informed decisions and they approved then post it.

  8. This looks phony, take a look at the rail on the casket, it is all scratched, new caskets do not look like that. Even if is a rented one, they do not look like that either. On some occasions families rent a casket and then the body is cremated. If this is real I feel sorry for the children, what a way to remember their father. NOT...

  9. For all those that think this is fake, here is the link to the funeral home. http://www.vittstermeranderson.com/obituaries/Michael-Settles-2/

  10. The message may very well be clear but to involve the children is beyond irresponsible and not what a real mother would ever do.
    Something like this is their decision and they are too young to understand any of what is going on. It is their father. It wasn't her husband. When a mother has such little respect for their own children like she is doing something is seriously wrong with her. This is not what a caring, nurturing would ever do.

  11. The smiles are too much. When someone dies you grieve. Not pose smiling for pictures.

  12. I Commend her for writing 7 doing this, it took COURAGE, & LOVE OF OTHERS, IF it saves 1 person it was well worth it!, God Bless & Watch over you & your Family & I'M Truly Sorry For Your Loss.

  13. Everyone gets "the message" but for heaven's sake out of respect for the children do not blast their personal business (it's not her business as she wasn't even married to him) all over social media.
    I find her repulsive, crude and vulgar.
    It's a shame so many have so little regard for children and find this acceptable.

  14. maybe she doesn't want her kids to bury their head in the sand and not know the consequences of bad behavior. looks like her kids can handle it much better than some of the 'adults' spouting off on here. you can't fix any problem until you first acknowledge there is a problem. grow up just a little.

  15. Don't be so foolish Unknown 10:01. Just because most people don't pose smiling ear to ear in front on the casket of a dead parent whose death was the "consequences of bad behavior" can not be construed by any rational person that they are burying "their head in the sand."
    And don't you dare to assume for one second that the children can "handle it." You nor anyone else including her have any idea if they can handle this and if any future negative consequences will result.
    You need to grow up-A LOT-esp your brain which seems to be stunted somewhere in the moron/imbecile/idiot IQ level.

  16. There is a time and a place for everything and a funeral is for mourning and not the place for a publicity stunt orchestrated by a mother who hasn't the maturity to take into consideration the well being of her children..
    I completely agree. These children have a right to privacy and that privacy includes, the right to or not to blast the cause of their father's death, all over social media. I also agree, take the picture and when the children get older and able to understand better, ask them after explaining the positive and negative consequences if they want to be a part of this crusade.

  17. I feel sorry for the kids. An addicted dead father and a mother who feels it is perfectly acceptable to exploit them.

  18. The kids might not feel comfortable with this when they are older. Since that is yet to be said, it is something that should have been taken into consideration. I feel that when ever you have to stop and think about if something is in their best interest it is best to sleep on it for a long time or if you even have to think if it's good for them, it's probably not the best action to take unless it's a necessary or a life or death situation. This was neither so I don't think this was well thought out in terms of the kids best interests now and in the long term. They should have been the ones who wrote the letter and posted the picture and not the mother but of course when they were older.

  19. Holland is unfit as a parent. She's irrational and impulsive to the extent that she isn't considering what is in the best interest of the kids. When you have kids they become your first priority and your mission to save the world takes a back seat. They should have been consulted but at their age that isn't possible.

  20. You mean spirited people obviously before spouting off you did not search the sight to find out it is real. It may not be what we see everyday but the mother had lived with during her marriage and the children too you think their not old enough to know their dad was spaced out most of their lives, THAT THE HIGH WAS MORE IMPORTANT and that ultimately he chose drugs over his children. The mother is trying to help other families in the same situation to give them a GIANT WAKE UP CALL!!!!.

  21. "looks like her kids can handle it much better than some of the 'adults' spouting off on here."

    How utterly asinine of you 10:01! You have no idea if the kids can handle this or not and as stated above no one can predict any future deleterious effects. It's a damn shame when people condone the actions of someone who is yes, exploiting kids. How low this country has sunk when the exploitation of children is accepted in order to teach adult a lesson. This is not only sickening it's perverted thinking.
    8:27-It is NOT her duty nor her moral obligation to HELP OTHER FAMILIES at what may be the expense of her own children-period! She's an unfit a parent as any addict is. Those children are too young to be used as a pawn and this is not debatable and anyone who thinks it is debatable is just as demented as she is.
    I supposed young children should be marched in front of every dead parent's coffin who made bad choices, say cheese, take a picture and the pictures posted all over social media so they can "help others."
    Unbelievable how low into the cesspool people have sunk.

  22. I understand the intent, but do you have to smile? Didn't someone just die? How is that helpful in getting your message across?

  23. She's a whack job. To stand their smiling is perverted and creepy. Just standing there would have been powerful and poignant.
    Plus I would bet she is a liar. She's now claiming on FB that some random heroin addict came up to her on the street hugged and thanked her. Anyone who believes this BS is just as crazy as she is.

  24. She comes across as unstable to me. It's fine if the kids, one day when they are older, want to announce on facebook how their father died. She defines what is an unfit parent. You don't betray your own children like this with personal, sensitive, emotional information being broadcast on facebook until they are better able to understand and give permission.
    Yes I am p-ed off. P-ed off that some children have the misfortune of being born to "mothers" like her. She's not a mother in any sense of the word.
    Worrying about helping addicts at the possible expense of your own children. Holland can't get any lower than that.

  25. They all look glad he's dead.

    Considering the damage and devastation an addict can inflict on the family, they probably are relieved, at the very least.

  26. The intended message turned bizarre with the family standing there smiling like they just came back from DisneyLand. It loses it's impact.
    All I keep on thinking is that this is something Jodi Arias would do.

  27. This is the ridiculous social media mania totally run amok. I'm sorry but her having this man's children stand there and pose in some kind of joyous glee does NOT in the least transfer into the public awareness moment she "claims" she wanted to portray. This image is off the charts bizarre.

  28. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Don't be so foolish Unknown 10:01. Just because most people don't pose smiling ear to ear in front on the casket of a dead parent whose death was the "consequences of bad behavior" can not be construed by any rational person that they are burying "their head in the sand."
    And don't you dare to assume for one second that the children can "handle it." You nor anyone else including her have any idea if they can handle this and if any future negative consequences will result.
    You need to grow up-A LOT-esp your brain which seems to be stunted somewhere in the moron/imbecile/idiot IQ level.

    September 14, 2015 at 7:25 AM

    get back to me when you can form a coherent thought. you are exactly the type I was referring to. get a q-tip and clean the sand out of your ears.

  29. Wow Unknown! you can't understand that comment! It is as "coherent" as a road map. If you can't understand it then you are clearly the one who has the problem. It would benefit you greatly to practice up on your reading comprehension skills before commenting further.

  30. I see nothing powerful about this at all. It's as if it's a big joke and they are all happy he is dead and more abnormal than anything else.
    I do agree in that the kids should not have been dragged into this. They are too young. She readily admits that there is the possibility that it may P some people off. I don't understand how any mother knowing this would drag their kid's in a controversy. This is the exact reason why kids grow up and abuse drugs and involve themselves in other forms of high risk behavior. It's a parents job to protect and nurture kids not subject them to controversies and situations that may P people off especially people who they don't even know.
    It's all just so absurd.

  31. No matter how anyone tries to spin this, it is inappropriate.
    Social media is increasingly becoming more and more destructive and dangerous especially to children. Some things should remain private in a child's life when and until they are old enough to give informed consent. The only thing I find uncomfortable about this, is her total disregard for the privacy of her children.

  32. Evidently she nor anyone else knows at this point in time why he died. Toxicology reports and ME's final determination has not been made. His family says he was clean and sober for a year. They were never married and weren't even together when he died.
    Interestingly enough he had custody of the children.
    This Eva Holland is a horrid person who it's no wonder didn't have custody. Animals protect their young better than she did. Anyone who parades their children to pose smiling in front of the coffin holding their dead father regardless of the circumstances has some serious mental problems.

  33. In a statement provided to Local 12, Stephanie Evans-Flinchum, who identified herself as Michael Settles’ aunt said: “Eva and Mike have never been married. They were high school sweethearts and dated for a while but for the last couple years they were not together. Michael has been in rehab before but this month he would have been clean and drug-free for a year. I hate the fact it’s been assumed that he died of a heroin overdose before the coroner’s report is released. We [the family] are definitely not for the picture being posted. We get that she posted it to spread awareness and save lives. But again, we don’t like that fact that it is being assumed before the coroner’s report.”

    This Holland freak is a complete liar. From making it look like they were a couple and still together to her saying some random heroin addict came up to her and hugged her after her disgusting post down to her now claiming on FB that his family is okay with the picture.

  34. It does not surprise me that she didn't have custody of the children. Her cruel disregard for their welfare didn't just start with the death of their father.

  35. All these dummies on here are talking to her like they are posting on her FB page. WTF!! LMAO

  36. Holland without any doubts to a rational person, is not playing with a full deck. Regardless of the way the father died, having the children standing they smiling next to his dead body, is only someone with a perverted, twisted mind is even capable of.

  37. I don't care what anyone says about her. That chick is HOT and I would date her. Help her get over that crackhead and everything will be alright.

  38. Taking pictures of dead people and with dead people is done all the time. Smiling for the picture is a bit creepy, and belies the occasion.


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