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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Facebook photo shared by Chesapeake official sparks controversy

CHESAPEAKE, Va. (WAVY) – The chairwoman of the Chesapeake school board is defending a Facebook picture she shared a month ago. Some in the Muslim community call it racist.

The post by School Board Chair Christie New Craig shows a skull with knives and a cartoon woman stating “Muslims hate pork, beer, dogs, bikinis, Jesus, and freedom of speech. My question is, what the hell do they come to America for?!”

“I merely shared it. I did not make a comment, and I’m just shocked with everything going on in our country – police officers are losing their lives, people are homeless and people don’t have jobs – that a political cartoon would cause this much stir,” Craig said.

Although she didn’t make herself available for an on camera interview, Craig did agree to a phone interview with 10 On Your Side’s Brandi Cummings Wednesday.



  1. I agree with her 100% and I support her. I am a public official and I don't give a crap about political correctness.

  2. Who cares about the Muslim community? ? Most of the are actually African Americans who want to be Muslim. Another game to be played for their benefit alone. Like any thing else the truth hurts and that FB post is ALL TRUTH!!

  3. is a very good question why would you want to go anywhere that has everything that is against your religion

  4. If it quacks like a duck . . .

  5. Racist racist racist. When did being a muslim become a race.

  6. When did the truth become racist?

    1. Anytime a black doesn't agree with it.

  7. Everybody that counts agrees with the cartoon, the rest are not really Americans, just people who are here to exploit our freedoms and take my tax money.

  8. No she speaks the Truth.

  9. "Infiltrate and destroy from within..."

  10. She should be replaced immediately. This is a school board President, there is no room for this type of bigotry where our kids education is concerned.

    1. WTF are you talking about? ? How many Muslims are in Chesapeake VA?? How stupid are you??

  11. Notice that the muslim countries aren't taking muslims who are escaping muslim terrorists? They don't even like each other.

  12. They come to America because they have an agenda to turn America into a muslim country. They start with you children in school. Parents need to be aware of what your children are being taught in school. Get involved in your child's schooling. If they get to your children then the country will fall. The muslims do not mind waiting for that to happen and it will if your kids see nothing wrong with islam and convert. Get involved. Also, I would talk to your kids teachers and the Principal, and tell them they are NOT to teach your child anything about islam. That you absolutely demand they NOT teach it. Matter of fact, take several parents with you, as many as you can get and set up an appointment for a group meeting with the Principal.

  13. Everyone would be shocked to find out just how many muslims work for the government. It is a lot more than you think.


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