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Sunday, September 20, 2015

A Viewer Writes: Crime Is Down?

Crime is Down in Salisbury. Just ask Mayor Liarton and Mayor "Free Ride," I mean Mayor Elect Jake Day. This is the second time in a week and the third time in less than 6 months this house was burglarized that we know of. What a record to be proud of for these 2 elected officials. It's your election to lose.


  1. The losers in office aren't committing the crimes. People should stand up for themselves. I have 16 cameras covering all aspects of my property. My neighbors had the audacity to complain that I didn't get their permission to record 24 hours of coverage that goes 120 days back. It took only 2 weeks before they asked me to look on my cameras to see who had been in their garden. They reported it to the police, but let's be serious, they have better things to do. I had no problem showing them the footage they needed to catch their own children stomping the garden since they were tired of pulling weeds. Suddenly, I wasn't such a bad guy after all. It's helped more than it hurts. There is no audio being recorded except for my front door interface camera where I get to see when my packages are delivered. When will people learn to be responsible for their own stuff? There are scumbags all through Salisbury; true, but some of them have badges, clergy privileges, student id's, daycares, and even good paying jobs. If your GOD was in office, people still have free will. Complaining about elected officials should be reserved only for those who voted. Even then, it does no good. If you don't like the area, move. If you don't want to move, protect your stuff. If you want to try and make a difference, run to be elected. There is no harm in trying. None of us are perfect and all we can do is try. Just stop with the blame game. GOD bless you all.

  2. Very good comment 9:21!!! We to have done the same thing with cameras at our house only we added two things...9MM Glock and a 44 magnum S&W. NO ELECTED OFFICIALS can protect your property like you can.

  3. Get a copy of police listed thefts and break in your area, or check out daily the list of police calls and look for streets in your area to get an accurate number, it is worse than you think.

  4. Anonymous Ryan Moses said...
    The losers in office aren't committing the crimes. People should stand up for themselves. I have 16 cameras covering all aspects of my property. My neighbors had the audacity to complain that I didn't get their permission to record 24 hours of coverage that goes 120 days back. It took only 2 weeks before they asked me to look on my cameras to see who had been in their garden. They reported it to the police, but let's be serious, they have better things to do. I had no problem showing them the footage they needed to catch their own children stomping the garden since they were tired of pulling weeds. Suddenly, I wasn't such a bad guy after all. It's helped more than it hurts. There is no audio being recorded except for my front door interface camera where I get to see when my packages are delivered. When will people learn to be responsible for their own stuff? There are scumbags all through Salisbury; true, but some of them have badges, clergy privileges, student id's, daycares, and even good paying jobs. If your GOD was in office, people still have free will. Complaining about elected officials should be reserved only for those who voted. Even then, it does no good. If you don't like the area, move. If you don't want to move, protect your stuff. If you want to try and make a difference, run to be elected. There is no harm in trying. None of us are perfect and all we can do is try. Just stop with the blame game. GOD bless you all.

    September 17, 2015 at 9:21 AM

    We shouldn't need all those cameras to protect our property. That is what we pay taxes for. The only protection I want is a gun. Let me handle anyone that crosses my property line to harm me or my family. I should have open carry and should be allowed to hand thugs in my yard and not wait until they come in my house.

    1. You can't be home sitting in your recliner 24/7 with a gun in your lap. And a cop cant be sitting outside your house 24/7 just because you pay taxes. Cameras are handy.

  5. It's really sad that we can't live in peace in Salisbury any more. And Jim Ireton brags about getting approval for redistricting. The city is going to circle the drain even faster now.

  6. I bet they code it as mdop and not burglary

  7. The mayor was not voted into office to be blamed for all that does not suit us, or.even guilty of the blame. Many times locals hands are tied by useless rules and regs from officials higher up..
    LEO cannot be in all places at all times to protect us. They do not know of crimes, the majority of the time, until a 911 call, after the fact.
    We have a 2nd Amendment for legally protecting our self, our family and our property. Does this not make it our duty for ourselves and our neighborhood?
    My God gave me a brain to think what I need to do to correct a problem, what I can do to help others.
    Many reader of Salisbury News have moved their brain to their a$$, using it merely to sit on - while sh^tting on every LEO or official who are not at their beck and call.
    The ones who squeal the loudest on Salisbury News are the very ones who complain the most about our "Nanny State" Culture, referring to all others but themselves.
    Now scroll back up and re-read 9:21 because he/she has it right.

    How's about a comment or two daily from you readers on how brains, are in use improving our Community. Might could start a "GOOD NEWS, daily section. It is apparent after ten years of merely playing the sit and sh^t game nothjing has not improved for you folks. Maybe it is time for you to become a "WE" and change tactics

  8. Anonymous said...
    I bet they code it as mdop and not burglary

    September 17, 2015 at 10:42 AM

    I would guarantee that as well. That's how they show that crime is down. Of course it looks like it's down if they don't report it.

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The mayor was not voted into office to be blamed for all that does not suit us, or.even guilty of the blame. Many times locals hands are tied by useless rules and regs from officials higher up..
    LEO cannot be in all places at all times to protect us. They do not know of crimes, the majority of the time, until a 911 call, after the fact.
    We have a 2nd Amendment for legally protecting our self, our family and our property. Does this not make it our duty for ourselves and our neighborhood?
    My God gave me a brain to think what I need to do to correct a problem, what I can do to help others.
    Many reader of Salisbury News have moved their brain to their a$$, using it merely to sit on - while sh^tting on every LEO or official who are not at their beck and call.
    The ones who squeal the loudest on Salisbury News are the very ones who complain the most about our "Nanny State" Culture, referring to all others but themselves.
    Now scroll back up and re-read 9:21 because he/she has it right.

    How's about a comment or two daily from you readers on how brains, are in use improving our Community. Might could start a "GOOD NEWS, daily section. It is apparent after ten years of merely playing the sit and sh^t game nothjing has not improved for you folks. Maybe it is time for you to become a "WE" and change tactics

    September 17, 2015 at 10:57 AM

    Funny how you defend your mayor saying crime is not his fault, but you fail to mention that he takes credit for "crime is down." You are definitely an idiot!!

    1. Hi 11:51. This is the 10:57 idiot here. So sorry, I did bot realize my comment was defending the Mayor and I failed to mention the Mayor is taking credit for "crime is down" because I did not hear him express that opinion. I believe I have heard street talk concerning that and read it on SBYnews but until I have proof I am not one to take rumors as gospel. I do not know if crime is down, I do not know if the Mayor made that statement. I should have completed a full investigation and written only the facts before offering my opinion, just as all the other folks who write comments on here do. I do sincerely apologize. You are correct in that I am an idiot. Why else would I waste my time commenting on here if it wasn't so.

  10. Anonymous said...
    You can't be home sitting in your recliner 24/7 with a gun in your lap. And a cop cant be sitting outside your house 24/7 just because you pay taxes. Cameras are handy.

    September 17, 2015 at 11:36 AM

    Maybe not, but we as tax payers want and deserve results.

  11. I know what you are attempting to say Ryan Moses but don't you think elected officials not only the moral duty but the ethical duty to make a public issue out of areas where crime is high or a dressing down of the certain segment of the population that is committing the majority crimes?
    After all an elected official's duty includes making their constituents lives better. It's not to worry about offending a voting base.
    It's like the poverty problem. So as to not offend a voting base they don't dare open their mouths about the fact that most children born out of wedlock are born into poverty and almost never will escape it. Instead they focus on throwing more money at the problem by saying kids need more to do and more programs other such nonsense.
    They are very much responsible for each and every crime that occurs because they don't have the guts to go to the neighborhoods and tell the parents to start being parents.

  12. "The losers in office aren't committing the crimes. People should stand up for themselves"

    No one is saying they are committing the crimes at all. As far as people standing up for themselves I agree with 1:09.
    Being elected means more than testing out bar stools when a new downtown bar opens up. Elected officials are supposed to stand up for their constituents who are law biding citizens barbecue that is what makes communities better.
    Everyone knows where the problems are who is the problem but yes instead of getting to the root, it's a constant case of tip toeing around so no one gets offended. It's all about getting re elected with these people. Nothing more.

  13. I've raised my four children the same way with four different outcomes. We also fostered 2 families for a few years until they were able to get back on their feet. Parents can't parent as they should. We just do the best we can and apologize when we make mistakes. My oldest son is now in college since he got a job at age 20 and realized that it sucks being responsible for himself. So our government gave him a loan of $24K to attend a $22K art school/year and just delay the inevitability of being an adult with a lame art degree at the end of it assuming he passes which isn't looking too good right now. He has no means to pay for it and says he doesn't care. My second oldest son dropped out in the 10th grade since he was skipping school and being kicked out of classes since he didn't want to be there. He now has a fast food job, smokes weed, carries a gun, and is an overall burden to society since nobody understands that he is supposed to be a white rap artist with a squeaky voice. None of the family supports me helping him by giving him a ride to work and back to whatever crib he is staying the night. My only daughter can't save a dime and has been making it as a dancer for her 14th year and is just a completely positive person to be around. She has so many friends, but no boyfriend since she says that will come when she's ready to settle. My youngest son never did any sports and never argued with us and has a bit of OCD being a neat freak when it comes to his clothes and bedroom. He's still with us and has been a scientist for the last 7 years and doesn't spend a penny. He's only had 2 girlfriends his entire life and got rid of each after they demanded to get married. All 4 were raised the same way, yet, we had 4 different outcomes. Even if the poor parents lose their children by not being parented correctly, they are still going to cost the state money a lifetime of money. We plan to foster a child once we downsize our house, but will never take a dime from the state. I don't have political interest to run for any elected position. I do know that there are people who can speak greatly about nothing and will get elected. Give it a try if you are so politically inclined. I love this country. I served my country as USAF veteran. Enjoy what you make of it. Good day to you all.

  14. 2:41-

    DT's Jan 14, 2014 "The mayor, the police chief and the state’s attorney all cited partnerships as having an effect on bringing the number of Part One crimes in the city down."

  15. JimGroupCrime From Iteton's campaign site where he takes full credit for crime being down.

    "Since Jim Ireton became Mayor in April 2009, violent crime in Salisbury has decreased 41%*. That didn’t happen by accident. Jim’s relentless push for better cooperation among allied law enforcement agencies has been lauded by the Governor of Maryland and used as an example for other municipalities in the state. Salisbury’s Safe Streets plan has brought more than $1 Million to fortify the Salisbury Police Department. In addition Salisbury has returned to bike patrols, substations and community policing and has re-started a K-9 unit. Salisbury has returned to being proactive for its citizens, including forging a Safe Streets Retail Alliance with retailers at the north end. The city helped shut down the notorious Thrift Travel Inn, and the mayor fought to get the building torn down. And under Jim Ireton’s leadership, Salisbury hired its first female chief of police."

  16. The mayor needs to be kicked into the so called clean river and then report it as a accident ie slip and fall to SPD since he likes fudging #s.

  17. You forgot to include the Idiot Chief of Police Dunkin Dum-nut.

  18. If you protect or defend your property you become the criminal that's a big part of the problem

  19. Complaining about elected officials should be reserved only for those who voted. Even then, it does no good. If you don't like the area, move. If you don't want to move, protect your stuff. If you want to try and make a difference, run to be elected. There is no harm in trying. None of us are perfect and all we can do is try. Just stop with the blame game. GOD bless you all.

    September 17, 2015 at 9:21 AM

    Why is that?- Just accept what mob rule tells everyone and don't say a word about it? So by that logic the ones who voted and won cannot say a word since they voted for whatever it is they got, good or bad.

    No, we have this thing called freedom of speech in this country and you don't lose that right simply because you don't inflict your will on others by voting. Contrary to what you think, non-voters are the only ones who SHOULD speak up and complain. After all, you voted for what you got or didn't get. Just accept it, be quiet and move on. Right?

  20. Crooks know that Salisbury is full of rich people.No wonder there are so many break ins.

  21. You think it's bad now? Just wait until after the election in November. It won't be long before the welfare queen, council vice president Laura Mitchell runs for mayor and wins. She'll win because no one cares about Salisbury anymore, not even the slum lords.

  22. Anonymous said...
    You think it's bad now? Just wait until after the election in November. It won't be long before the welfare queen, council vice president Laura Mitchell runs for mayor and wins. She'll win because no one cares about Salisbury anymore, not even the slum lords.

    September 17, 2015 at 10:44 PM

    You are correct. That is why the clown Jake Day is now going to become our Mayor. No one wants to be the Mayor of Salisbury because the position is controlled by the media and Slum Lords and it doesn't pay enough. Jake Day has a case of the LDS and he has to fulfill his daily dose of ego needs. Some people thing Jake Day is Congressional material and they couldn't be further from the truth. Jake Day will go down just like Barry and Jim did. Mayors that helped ruin Salisbury because of their egos and the need for Power.

  23. the problem is the court system lets habitual crooks walk the streets instead of incarceration . they need to bring back the chain gang

  24. 10:40,your kidding,right?

  25. This B&E will never be reported as a crime.

    Another problem is the fact that many crimes like this are not reported by the victims.

  26. Had to laugh at that Jim Ireton blurb.

    Safe Streets was thanks to Cohen.

    Changes in the PD were due to Webster leaving and Ivan Barkley stepping up, then Barbara Duncan, none of which Ireton can take credit for. Ireton didn't get rid of Webster, Ireton didn't advance Barkley and Ireton's first choice was his crony, not Duncan.

    The one thing that did improve in Salisbury, no doubt, was the murder rate. Glad to have seen that, but Ireton can't take credit for it. These other people can.


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