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Friday, September 18, 2015

Donald Trump is Getting Under President Obama’s Skin

Ahead of second GOP debate, the president responded to the candidate’s attacks.

Don­ald Trump is fi­nally get­ting to Pres­id­ent Obama.

On Wed­nes­day, the pres­id­ent de­fen­ded Amer­ica’s eco­nom­ic stand­ing in the world. And, ahead of the second GOP primary de­bate Wed­nes­day night—and without ever say­ing his name—he un­veiled a hearty de­fense against the busi­ness mogul and GOP front-run­ner.

“In the echo cham­ber that is pres­id­en­tial polit­ics, everything is dark and everything is ter­rible,” he lamen­ted at the Busi­ness Roundtable headquar­ters in Wash­ing­ton. Pres­id­en­tial can­did­ates, “don’t seem to of­fer many solu­tions for the dis­asters that they per­ceive, but they’re quick to tell you who to blame.”



  1. It is great to hear Trump or anyone else have the guts to speak the truth about Obama. If Trump says something, he means it.

  2. the TRUTH shall set us free!

  3. While he have issues were still doing better than everyone else....... What rank are we in freedom in the world? The land of the free? Where is our manufacturing jobs going? Our immigration? While countries are scrambling to build borders and man them with soldiers and police ours are being paved with free hand outs ever step!

  4. Oh. So you are not to blame? After 8 years are you still blaming Bush?

  5. Biden and trump now theres a debate.

  6. good, because that's how I feel about Obama for the past six years!

  7. Get Real! Obama has blamed Bush for every bad thing in this country, and still does. He doesn't take any credit for what's wrong on his watch, even though he's had more than 6 years to change things that Bush supposedly made bad. He is the worst, of the worst, presidents that we have ever had.


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