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Friday, September 18, 2015

9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate


  1. Can't be more clearer than this. But all the government lovers..... Mostly your local cops and politicians and their families, have their heads up Uncle Sams ass to far to see the truth. Our government has no problem killing its own people.

  2. Watch "Loose Change" on YouTube if any of you still doubt the shameful truth

  3. There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. - Soren Kierkegaard

  4. Thank you for posting this, Joe.

    Anyone who's ever seen a controlled demolition of a skyscraper, recognized the controlled demolition of the Towers. It was unmistakable. I find it difficult to comprehend that anyone believes the official story.

    Yes, they killed thousands of Americans and then sent our boys and girls to war, killing thousands more.

    All for profit. Wake UP America.

  5. Omg it was on you tube so it must be true! Popular science did two separate articles showing how the planes , the fuel and other factors would cause the same affect! But let's believe YouTube instead !

  6. Anonymous John said...
    Omg it was on you tube so it must be true! Popular science did two separate articles showing how the planes , the fuel and other factors would cause the same affect! But let's believe YouTube instead !

    September 19, 2015 at 12:44 AM

    so you would rather believe the written word instead of actual demonstrations? it's ok, there will always be people like you.

  7. But let's believe YouTube instead !

    September 19, 2015 at 12:44 AM

    yes I will, and the eyewitnesses, and the evidence, and the facts, and the studies


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