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Friday, September 18, 2015

Dear Mr. President and Ahmed


  1. Good for him. And to the Muslim in the White House the clock did resemble a explosive devise.

  2. I am sorry if its not nice but its in poor taste for a Muslim to bring anything resembling a bomb to a public space. if we are to be sensitive to everyone else's feelings, then good Muslims should understand why this was wrong. And I would want my child's school to take every precautions for my child's safety

  3. This young man and I repeat man has more common sense and intelligence in his little finger than the whole U.S. Government.

  4. The entire country has adopted a "down the rabbit hole" version of reality. It's seems that we overreact to everything. The Obama administration bases all rewards and disapproval on race alone. We all fear racism when the biggest offender is leading the country.


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