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Friday, September 18, 2015

Analysis: Maryland tops states for wealth

WASHINGTON — Maryland is the wealthiest state in the union, according to an analysis by 24/7 Wall St.

Virginia isn’t far behind, coming in as the eighth wealthiest state. The District was not evaluated by the Delaware-based finance news site.

The site based its rankings on 2014 census data and Bureau of Labor Statistics information.

Maryland earned the top spot with the highest median household income in the nation, $73,971, and the second lowest poverty rate at 10.1 percent.



  1. I knew we were right up there at the top.

  2. Imagine how much higher the median would be if they dropped the lower shore?

  3. Lol is the Bury the top county or dead LAST.?


  4. Ya think all the government workers, living in DC suburbs of Maryland contribute to this factor? Now what has Maryland done with all those "riches"? It does looks like our new Gov Hogan (R) and our Comp. Franchot (D) working together are on the right track to curb wasteful spending

  5. how great is it to be #1 in the MOST bankrupt country in the history of the world?

  6. And #1 for trying to take your wealth also.

  7. i don't believe it!


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