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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Why a Virginia principal refuses to take down her school’s Confederate flags

As students entered Hurley High School in Hurley, Va., for the first day of classes this week, they passed through a set of bright red doors on which the Confederate battle flag is boldly painted.

Once inside, they encountered decorative battle flags throughout the building, from the walls of the school’s main office to the equipment in the weight room to center court in the school gym, according to USA Today.

If those students were members of the the Hurley Rebels football team, they wore helmets at practice featuring an image of the flag flying from a saber, the paper reported.



  1. Kudos for keeping our heritage alive. If left to other aholes you'll not be able to say anything about Dixie and the South. I guess in a few years anyone with a southern drawl will have to learn their language, like mother****** and so on.

  2. She should lose her job.

  3. The southern drawl is already dead, except for those that just put it on for fake effect.

  4. She should not lose her job - Good for her. It's history.

  5. Anonymous said...
    She should lose her job.

    August 24, 2015 at 2:27 PM

    You should get an ounce of lead between your eyes!

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    The southern drawl is already dead, except for those that just put it on for fake effect.

    August 24, 2015 at 2:35 PM

    WTH are you talking about??

  7. This woman should be our next president!

  8. 2:35
    You win the internet today for the stupidest remark of the day.

  9. Did you see the census stats? Now take some initiative and look up this towns crime statistics. Truth in numbers. Now every town in this country with similar census statistics have similar low crime rates. Something to think about.

  10. Anonymous lmclain said...
    You win the internet today for the stupidest remark of the day.

    August 24, 2015 at 3:49 PM

    I agree. How do you know someone has a fake drawl?

  11. Some try to force us to accept their perversion/lifestyle so that we accept them. Yet when it comes to someones history they are intolerant. Leave the flag alone. If they allow the rainbow flag they should allow this one as well.

  12. I hope the confederate flag stays and if we all were real Americans would still be flying anywhere we wanted it, not changing history because of one murderer in Georgia who started the whole thing. If one murderer in this country takes up the belief all pets should be shot are we going to do that too?


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