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Sunday, August 30, 2015

As Hillary implodes, the Democrats have no real Plan B

The summer has not been kind to Hillary Clinton. The drip-drip-drip of revelations about her possible misuse and mishandling of classified information threatens to become a deluge in the fall. They have taken a serious toll on her reputation — and even more notably, her treatment by liberal media figures who surely would rather she be elected even if the Risen Christ were to be the Republican nominee.

Democrats are worried — so worried five donors who raised millions for President Obama as well as Obama’s chief Florida strategist have both sworn off Hillary and joined an effort to draft Vice President Joe Biden to save the party from an unelectable (or, dare we say it, indicted) nominee.

Should they be worried? Sure. People in politics should always worry, and since she kicked off her presidential campaign by talking about being “dead broke,” Hillary has been a worry-generating machine for any rational non-Pollyanna Democrat who doesn’t live in a Media Matters for America bubble.

But is Joe Biden a serious Plan B? No. There is no Plan B.

First, the case for Democratic panic. We begin with the perception problem. I’m profoundly skeptical about polling results these days, but politics runs on them, and Democrats are looking at polls that suggest Americans as a whole view her as dishonest and untrustworthy — polls in which the numbers are getting worse as the months pass.



  1. If Biden won the nomination he would pull close to 100% of the democratic vote. He is a very popular democrat (more than Hillary) and since democrats out number Republicans he would win the general.
    If Republicans run trump there will be a significant number of thinking Republicans that will vote for Biden over that fool and really give him a big win.

    1. Yeah vote Biden. 36 years as a senator and all he did for Delaware is got rich. GM CLOSED. CHRYSLER CLOSED. MARYLAND BANK CLOSED. DUPONT WILL BE GONE. SATURN CLOSED. Then he runs for VP and he becomes the scrappy kid from Scranton.
      Yeah vote Biden libitard.

  2. The democrats rubbed their hands in glee at the thought of Hillary running for President.

    Now that Hillary will soon be running from a prison term, the Plan B that never existed is more of a desperate garb at ANYONE without an active, ongoing investigation.
    Whomever the Democrats nominate will, however, have a very hard time running from 8 years of mismanagement, overspending, law breaking, and incompetent leadership.
    The economy is in shambles, the political system is rife with corruption, the social fabric of the nation is unraveling, and our international power and reputation is the laughingstock of the world.
    Perhaps that's why Trump is doing so well --- he is the ONLY one telling us the emperor has no clothes.
    America is fed up with vague, talk for 40 minutes and say nothing politicians. Hurt some feelings. Tell the truth. Shame the liars. Imprison the thieves and cheats. Punish the wicked and violent.
    At least, call some people Islamic terrorists. Start with that.
    Keep cheering.

  3. Pretty sure Trump will take care of plan B. He is utterly unelectable.


  4. Slow Joe: Massive yawn in each of his previous forays in search of the White House; serial plagiarist; first sitting VP to be so ambivalent about going for prez job; old; two surviving children both have had serious drug problems; is his 'foot in mouth disease' covered by Obamacare?

    The cults of Obama and Hillary have taken the oxygen out of the room for other Democrat Socialist candidates at every level, even as Obama's mismanagement has brought us to the doorstep of another recession.

  5. 10:04 - I hope you are sooooooo wrong....anyone that votes dumbocratic in the next election is voting for the utter destruction of what remains of this country after the previous administration.

    If Trump happens to win the nomination - there still isn't a "D" I would be willing to vote for!

    1. Exactly. This nation needs some central focus. Our economic future is too global - it includes Europe as well.
      The Rep. overall have a tax reform agenda and prdominately want immigration reduction.

  6. Unfortunately, or fortunately depending on your persuasion either Biden or Hillary still pounds the heck out of any Republican. You are all living in a bubble of your own making. There is no reward in singing to the choir.

  7. destruction of what remains of this country 10:48?

    Republicans have the Congress and the Senate, so what are doing about it now?

  8. First of all any of you folks who really don't think trump can win an election are sadly mistaken. Can he be outspoken...yes can he be controversial...yes....is he brilliant?? He's worth more than most of us and can't be bought....he's got my vote along with most americans....

  9. I will say uncle Joe does have way more experience than Hillary,she's not even close.

  10. Nothing Republicans are doing or saying has any appeal for Democrats to cross and vote Republican. It will be a Democrat in the WH again.

    1. I'm a Democrat and will vote for Trump. I'm also pro life, against gay marriage , just about anything the democratic party is for. You know what ever is foul ,in moral, sleazy these democratic candidates love.


  11. Obama was elected each time for only one reason, and everyone knows what it is. Those who identified with him are blind to all of his missteps and failures. Those who were hopeful his birth heritage would magically translate into competency and being a unifying force as a benchmark in our progress as a society have had their eyes opened.

    The Democrat Socialist coalition can only count on those directly on subsidy or gov't payroll.

    Each of their proffered or whispered candidates have serious records of non-achievement, malfeasance, misrepresentation or worse. Toast for this cycle.

  12. Because all democrats want are tax funded abortions,more rights for gays,illegal immigrants to be legal,more tax funded programs,more environmental regs all the while families go broke out here.

  13. They do have a plan "B" BIDEN the BUMBLEING BAFFOON. (Still better than the criminal Hildabeast).

  14. Do I sense a troll?


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