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Monday, August 31, 2015

Police Tell Reporter Filming Virginia Shooter Crash ‘Delete Footage or Lose Camera’

On Wednesday, in the aftermath of the Bryce Williams on air shooting, two BBC journalists were threatened by Virginia police for filming thescene where gunman crashed and shot himself.

Those journalists say that the police threatened to confiscate their camera, and gave them the ultimatum: “delete the footage or lose the camera.”

The two reporters, Tara McKelvey and videojournalist Fraz Strasser were nearly the first to arrive at the scene on highway I-66, where the shooter crashed his vehicle.

That was where Bryce Williams, also known as Vester Flanagan, shot himself hours he had killed journalists Alison Parker and Adam Ward on the air, during a live news broadcast.

Strasser took to Twitter to comment that he and McKelvey were told by police that the footage “could be evidence,” so they had to delete it.



  1. More evidence of a cover up for a false flag operation.
    Lets see the physical evidence. Show us the bodies!!!!

  2. Real footage of real happenings wasn't going to agree with the hoax footage and story they had already produced, so they needed it to go away.

  3. Its bc its. Was a crime scene.


  4. Tell you what, Officer -- if you think that it's evidence, send us a subpoena. Until then, the footage stays in the camera and wherever we deem it important and you stay out of our faces.

  5. I don't think they should be filming something like this anyway. Putting aside that it was Flanagan who had just shot and killed 2 people, doesn't mean the public needs to see every last detail. It was bad enough Flanagan filmed the victims last seconds on earth. No need to see or film his death scene.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I don't think they should be filming something like this anyway. Putting aside that it was Flanagan who had just shot and killed 2 people, doesn't mean the public needs to see every last detail. It was bad enough Flanagan filmed the victims last seconds on earth. No need to see or film his death scene.

    August 31, 2015 at 11:12 AM

    BAAAAA no need to see the truth. just believe whatever your tender heart is told

  7. Film everything, edit later, but save the cuts. Keep everything.


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