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Monday, August 31, 2015

Andy Parker - The Actor - Virginia Live News Shooting


  1. Cmon this was when he was younger and probably Broke.

  2. You think he wasn't paid for this one?

    1. I do think its weird that he has been on tv giving 40 interviews while is daughters body is still warm.and above ground.

  3. It was strange that during his statement about Gun control and his daughters death, he was talking as if he was crying, but there were no tears. The whole thing is just unbelievable! CBS news on Friday even tried to do damage control to try and make the public believe it was real the interviewing the people at the news station. I just didn't see the sorrow or grief you would normally see with a friend, or loved one is murdered in this way.

  4. Check out Sandy Hook too. Many "crisis actors" seen in that one too. Also large payments to families including government payed off families mortgage loans. Very fishy stuff happening....

  5. Bob Aswell ...RealistSeptember 1, 2015 at 12:10 PM

    Whatever he WAS he's certainly NOT gotten any smarter with age. It's an altogether un-natural act for parents to have their children deceased and have to plan THEIR funerals. It is exactly the anti of what we hold as a normal course of events. This I hold in reverence because of the gravity of the situation. He and his wife have my condolences ten fold.
    As we explore this I haven't been ANYWHERE on Earth that there doesn't exist a contingent of crazies that constantly act out of the ordinary scheme of things for different reasons. Certain actions must then be deployed to keep said nuts down to a low roar.
    Parker thinks he's going head to head with the NRA and other gun toter organizations and dis-arm the U.S., what a joke. If these organizations DID'NT reflect the will of the majority they would have been dissolved by lack of donation MONEY. I see how he's thinking through the curtain of grief yet I try to be realistic in endeavor. Some of the MOST influential folks in this Country are for the Right To Bear Arms and my guess is they'll put the MONEY in the right places to silence people like Parker. Bob Aswell...Realist


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