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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Mr. Trump's 757


  1. So, he won't be needing our Ghetto'd out AF1. Think of the money we'll save!

  2. Fit for a Saudi Prince which is what Ronald McDonald Trump sees himself as. All people who are dumb enough to vote for this clown will be invited to take a ride on his plane. Vote for this clown and you will get a free ride on his plane and all his gold will rub off on you. Hahahah....fools

  3. He has no desire to lower his lifestyle, only to force the best candidate to win.

  4. The race for the White House is a very dangerous place to conduct a social experiment by voting for the person who has the biggest mouth. Are you not equally tired of the sweet talker we have now?? A vote for another loud mouth will assure us of the same results. WE THE PEOPLE do not live like an of these people....but isn't it time we did?

  5. 7:55 CORRECT...in fact he needs your money to keep his lifestyle going. Please vote to keep him in the lifestyle he deserves. Ronald McDonald Trump...clown perfection.

  6. Don't hate 7:55.

  7. Cant wait until he Pimps out AF1.

  8. The Sby News jet is only a 747 if I recall correctly.

  9. Not one penny of MY tax money payed for Mr. Trump's jet. Trump for prez!

  10. Trump Trump Trump!!! and all you low life dem wont get your way so you will lose your Obama phones and all your free ride on my tax money got out and get a job and join the rest of the world

    1. Question? Why did he donate millions to clintons?

    2. Me thinks it's the way business is run.

    3. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 11, 2015 at 4:05 PM

      To buy the Big Enough Wedding Cake when he found out Hillary was coming. Hillary came 4 cake, Bill came 2 look 4 another pussy-cat "intern".

  11. I think the Secret Service will look a lot better lol

  12. 9:16 Trump did NOT donate MILLIONS to the Clintons!
    He donated a few thousand to Clinton's senate campaigns and made a $100,000 donation to the Clinton Foundation in it's early days.
    It's understandable that Trump may have thought the Clinton Foundation was a worthy cause.
    Trump has given to many non profits, including a large sum to a non profit that Rand Paul is heavily involved with. The non profit sends eye doctors to 3rd world countries to perform surgeries. Rand Paul leaves again soon to do surgeries, I believe in Haiti. This particular trip was underwritten by Donald Trump.

  13. 8:52 You do know the phone program started under Reagan and continued ever since, right?

  14. At least he worked for it unlike politicians flying around on taxpayers.


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