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Sunday, August 16, 2015

Delmar Middle School Supply Lists for 2015-2016

Click 'READ MORE' below to see the 6th and 7th grade lists.


  1. If you read the law that was passed for free education for all, it says that the school system is supposed to supply all items needed for the student.
    Why do we continue to buy paper and pencils and other crap, even though the law says our tax money is to be supplying this stuff.

  2. Why do good hard working teachers purchase a huge amount of their own supplies out of their underpaid salaries? Because everyone looks to the government for handouts and think that hard working people should give up what they work for to those who want the handouts. That is why.

    Your taxes go to keeping the 1% wealthy and the rest of us toiling to pay for the 1% way of life. Any of the underpaid teachers could tell you this.

    A vote for a wealthy man to fix this country just because he knows the bankruptcy laws (greed beyond your grasp) is using your vote to contribute to the very system that keeps YOU in the 99% asking where your tax money is going.

    So vote for that loudmouth braggart and we will meet in the breadlines to follow.

    Anyone else follow this rocket science???

    1. Teachers are way over paid. Pensions are way to big. Way to much being spent education. Crazyness. Keep cheering

  3. Holy crap. I MUST be VERY old. ('m 68.)
    If I remember correctly, the requirements when I went to school were pretty much as follows:
    1. Loose leaf notebook w/paper. 3-ring.
    2. Pencil and pen.
    3. Protractor and/or ruler.
    4. Eraser.
    And that was it.
    How in the world did I ever make it without all that other stuff?

  4. This is beyond ridiculous.

  5. They forgot a few things that a student must have.
    How about:
    * A good attitude
    * Involved parents
    * Respect for the school
    * Respect for the teacher
    * Undivided attention

  6. 11:23 PM, and what if our only other option would be Hillary. Would you suggest we vote for a LIAR and THIEF? I don't think so.

  7. I can't believe how they dictate what color binder to use in which class! The kids don't get to make any of their own decisions anymore. And what's wrong with blue ink pens?

  8. Good gosh. I have been out of school now for 10 years. This list is outrageous! Hopefully the parents can find most of the things at dollar tree. That is going to get expensive.

  9. The law says "Free Education for all", so don't anyone buy this junk and demand your kids get it from the school district. Maybe then they will cut those big wages and paid summers off.

  10. Notice how BRAND NAME dry erase markers are requested for "classroom use," but no name ones are fine for your kids? Hm.

  11. Sorry no more donations from me. These are supplies that are needed so they can do the job they are paid to do. My husband works construction. He has to pay for his own tools. He also has to pay for his own gas to get to work whether it is 10 miles from home or 100. This does not include any work clothing that is needed and sometimes even required. Stop trying to get people to pay for your supplies.

  12. I'd rather a budget be allotted to each teacher for supplies above and beyond pencils, erasers, looseleaf paper, a three ring binder, a few folders, and an ink pen.

  13. I wonder how many of these supplies would be knocked off the list if the teacher was made to pay for them. I bet we would go back to the basics of pen, pencil and paper.

  14. I read all the lists. WOW!! Buying for just one child would break you. Imagine if you have more than one to buy for!


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