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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Maryland First State in US to Issue Guidelines on Police Profiling

Police will be banned from using race, religion, or sexual orientation as factors in making routine stops

Maryland has become the first state to adopt rules against police profiling. Police will be banned from using race, religion, or sexual orientation as factors in making routine stops, and can’t stop everyone in a neighborhood when a crime is reported.

“Police do a dangerous, difficult job, and they do it well. But experience shows that improper profiling by police does terrible damage,” said Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh while unveiling the new guidelines in a nine-page memorandum on Tuesday.

Under the rules, officers are banned from using race or ethnicity in making decisions during routine operations, investigations, and traffic stops. The guidelines also include a ban on profiling based on national origin, identity, disability, or religion.


Publishers Notes: Can you guess who's testimony this is from the above image?


  1. This is just political feel good bs, it's always been illegal to make race based stops or profile based on race creed or sexual orientation. They are just trying to save face.

  2. Maryland has gone all to Hell. So, if I'm robbed and I describe the person or people what the Hell are the police supposed to do. Suppose I said it was a white female about 4'8" and about 100lbs with red hair or balled headed, that means they can't question a 4'9" whatever meeting that description? This is more liberal Democratic bullshit.

  3. Racial profiling is one of the most accurate, effective and efficient crime fighting tools.

  4. This is what wrong with America now. Profiling has been a major part of policing since there has been law enforcement. People better arm themselves for self protection and family protection. There is so much restriction on police so "WE THE PEOPLE" are being left without protection. Think about that.

    1. Profiling is perfectly legal and is still practiced, but racial profiling is illegal and is the targeting of people based SOLELY on race. Put down your pitchforks and open your ears! Educate yourselves instead of jumping on a political bandwagon.

  5. I bet it was Mike Lewis but in all fairness you should show the rest of the transcript.

    1. Its typed and they had beepers. I assumed it was the cop shot near ECI a while back.

  6. Good thing, too! I'm a Lutheran and am really upset that I might be stopped because of my religion.

  7. Now you just go after those who "Dress" like criminals. Not by their race, or religion, or sex, just how the dress.
    Gang colors, guilty, baggy pants, guilty, burka on, guilty, turban on head, guilty, bomb vest on, guilty....

  8. Look for crime to skyrocket. Police will be forced to look the other way. The animals have been let loose from the zoo!

  9. If the cop finds or plants ..... Then no way to know if it happened.

  10. Liberals STUPID! And proud of it

  11. All "profiling" claims are should be invalid after dark.

    Because I think it's still legal to "profile" the vehicle itself.

  12. and the answer is... who is Mike Lewis.
    It is from when he was a state trooper.

    It's a shame we now have to teach our children to fear the police.

  13. We need more people like Mike Lewis. He just says and does what everyone else is thinking. Most of you will never know what it is to walk up to a car in the middle of the night not knowing who your dealing with. And the answer is... you don't have the balls to do it. Cop bashers are all the same. Usually sitting on momma's couch and still living at home at 35.

    I thank God for the strong. That fight evil instead of standing on the side lines.

    What do you call a ghetto rat driving a Lexus. And the answer is a felon.

    1. We do need more like him. Maybe one will actually run the damn Dept properly! We have an absentee Sheriff. Deputies who could make a gone wild video and crime through the roof.

  14. The state has been collecting data on all traffic stops for almost a decade and the data showed nothing to support the claim. After the three years of collecting the data, instead of stopping they just continued. How many traffic stops were made where the driver was black and a narcotics officer gave this information to a highway patrol officer so they could make a traffic stop. That is not racial profiling,

  15. This profiling thing is when when a crime is commited against them, they'll quickly point their fingers out and the police can, and hopefully will, do nothing because of profiling.

  16. Giving a description of a law breaker is not profiling. Stopping a getaway vehicle that fits the description of the getaway vehicle is not profiling.

  17. Okay. So who is being qustioned in the above image?

  18. We need more local militias patrolling the county.

  19. U.S. v Sokolow. A classic profiling case. Sokolow was profiled based upon court accepted criminal indicators - not race. Profiling based upon race has been illegal for years ad years.


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