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Sunday, August 30, 2015


Following Allison Parker’s August 26 shooting death at the hands of former station employee Vester Lee Flanagan, her father, Andy Parker, vowed to “shame politicians” into supporting more gun control.

According to Mail Online, Andy said, “I am going to do something, whatever it takes, to shame legislators about closing loopholes in background checks to make sure crazy people don’t get guns.”

But here’s problem—there are no “loopholes” in the background check system and, although Flanagan was admittedly angry and churning inside, there were no legal grounds on which to deny him a gun purchase. No one has come forward to show that he had a criminal record or an order to undergo a psychiatric evaluation or involuntary mental health treatment, so no criteria exists to deny him a gun purchase.



  1. as well he should

  2. This guy would have found a gun one way or another.

  3. This guy would have found a gun one way or another.

  4. I couldn't imagine what he is going through but he is focused on the issue. I guess being involved with the Clintonite governor of Virginia you loose focus. All about guns nothing about the moron who pulled the trigger. Sick and tired of the liberal BS day after day tragedy after tragedy.

  5. Dont beieve the demonic deceptive theater being presented to us! This rainbow war has many fronts. Its not just guns. BAAAH You sheep better wake up!! THOSE DAM FACTS.The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people. But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people.Puerto Rico tops the world's table for firearms murders as a percentage of all homicides - 94.8%. It's followed by Sierra Leone in Africa and Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean. Remember, Guns prevent oppression and protect our freedom and independence!!

  6. The truth about gun control is to hurt the feelings of guns.

  7. We have enough gun control, over 20,000 laws on the books that only make it difficult for the law-abiding citizen to obtain a firearm for target shooting, hunting, and home protection. Let's focus on enforcing the laws we have by coming down instantly and severely on anyone who breaks those laws. What happened to Project Exile?????

  8. This guy needs to mourn his daughter and shut up. Blame the black gay person who shot her, not the gun.

  9. Liberals always try to use a tragedy to take away our rights.

  10. If this isn't a false flag the best scenario would have been for all the others to have been carrying weapons in order to protect themselves like the second amendment allows.

  11. He should be upset with himself for not educating his daughter to protect herself with a firearm living in a gun friendly state like VA.
    Once again people, guns don't kill people, people kill people! Guns have been banned in England and violent crime by knife and hammer skyrocketed. And I would bet my check there is a prescribed psychotropic drug in the mix too!!

  12. Obama Crooked BastardoAugust 28, 2015 at 9:16 PM

    Loss of his daughter is very tragic, but don't blame the guns. If the psycho criminal used the knife instead of a gun, would they be calling for BAN ON KNIVES? Blame the Federal Bureocrats for not doing proper background check on that gay lunatic.

  13. Project Exile lost its funding. Too bad, because it but gun felons out of state for their bit, and it was a slam-dunk when sentencing. Use a gun, go for a long bus ride and see another state from behind bars.

  14. Hate the shooter not the gun!

  15. If everyone in that video would have been armed and ready, would it have ever happened that way?

    I think not.

    Our 2A rights have been infringed, and it's high time we stop that.

    Gun control is using both hands.

  16. If, God forbid, something like this that presumably happened to my daughter, I don't think I would want to talk to anyone much less on television or plan on shaming anyone into making some kind of law. I would think I would be in too much shock, grief and anger.

  17. Exactly why this is a false flag 1:48

  18. Alas, the poor fellow. It's not a gun control problem. It's a NUT CONTROL problem. OUr sympathies to him & the others affected by these actions.

  19. Yes this guy needs to just shut his mouth and just mourn is daughter and stay out of all the liberal crap if he is a true father

  20. This is so stupid people kill people gun are just the instrument they use . why don't we have background checks and try to ban cars or steak knives

  21. The mentally ill person could have struck the officer in the head with a crowbar. You want to restrict crowbars?

  22. The father is a pure idiot and I don't even feel sorry for him now!!!

  23. Total Hoax. So was Sandy Hook, Aurora, S. Carolina, Columbine & the rest. All to promote the gun grab.

  24. So three unarmed sheep Obama voters get shot, two are dead and a gay black Obama voter offs himself? And I'm supposed to give up my rights? Not happening.

  25. When gun control zealots propose any kind of legislation that will effectively keep the mentally ill and criminals from being able to purchase guns, I will listen. But when the only answer they have is to further restrict law abiding citizens from having guns, then they have nothing to contribute to the discussion.

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    When gun control zealots propose any kind of legislation that will effectively keep the mentally ill and criminals from being able to purchase guns, I will listen. But when the only answer they have is to further restrict law abiding citizens from having guns, then they have nothing to contribute to the discussion.

    August 31, 2015 at 11:36 AM

    Nobody should be restricted period.

    I don't know many people that AREN'T mentally ill is some way, shape or form.

    I would venture to say most 'crazies' don't even want any guns. And any that do will find a way to get one, just as anyone else will.

    I don't know any gun shop owners who are qualified to judge whether someone is mentally ill either. But if someone comes into their shop acting goofy I would hope they are responsible enough not to sell a weapon to them.

    The gov knows all this. They are not worried about criminals having guns. They can round them up at any time. It's the so-called 'legal' owners and buyers they are after.

    They target groups that 'society' agrees shouldn't have guns ( as long as they can keep theirs ).

    When that is established, they continue to infringe on the so-called legal owners. Incrementally of course.

    So-called legal owners even help the gov with their goals. They feel they are special, exempt, "law abiding" citizens and think it will never happen to them.

    You are more likely to be shot by someone you know, even family before you will be shot by a stranger or criminal.

    But as long as they keep stroking your ego you will allow this farce to continue.

  27. "Nobody should be restricted period."

    2:03 PM

    That, as an opinion, is just lunacy. You feed the fire of anti-gun zealots. In your opinion, a just released mental patient has a right to purchase a gun. Even better, someone should be able to go buy a gun for a mental patient, as you think there should be no restrictions. I think you just might be one of those crazy people that I don't think should have a gun. You give responsible gun owners and the NRA a bad name. You do not speak for responsible gun owners, no matter your "point of view." I, sir, am a NRA member and supporter of laws that keep guns away from the mentally ill (but not laws that attempt to keep them away from the rest of us). No sane person, in their right mind, would advocate for the mentally ill to have legal access to firearms. Only the mentally off-kilter would do that.

    The federal Gun Control Act of 1968 is the best law on the books and there isn't any need for new gun control laws. Our government just needs to enforce the best law we already have. If that law had ever been enforced, even John Hinckley would not have been able to purchase the weapon he shot President Reagan with. And there was no need for the Brady Act. You are right about the government though. All the talk about new gun control laws is just another hidden agenda of eventually trying to disarm America. Not to worry though. They have a much better chance of deporting 11 million illegal immigrants than ever confiscating all the guns.

  28. August 31, 2015 at 3:51 PM

    I did NOT advocate for any mentally ill person to own or not own a weapon. Regardless, if they wanted one, they already have it. There are many forms of mental illness. Very few are dangerous.

    What membership in the NRA has to do with this I don't understand. I have been a member several times when I decide to send them my money. One can be a member of anything if they have the money.

    That same 'mentally ill person' if he were to kill anyone would have a hard time convincing anyone in a court of law he was mentally ill at the time of the killing.

    Fear tactics. Obviously they work very well.


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