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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Limbaugh: Media conflicted since TV shooter is black

Radio host Rush Limbaugh said the national news media will be conflicted in their reporting on Wednesday’s slaughter of a Virginia news crew live on the air because the shooter was reportedly a black man, and his victims were white.

The shooter has been identified as Vester Flanagan, 41, who also went by the professional name of Bryce Williams. The victims are reporter Alison Parker, 24, and photographer Adam Ward, 27, who were gunned down during a live broadcast from the Bridgewater Plaza in Moneta, Virginia.

“A reporter of color is the shooter. Now there’s a conflict. Now what do they (the media) do?” asked Limbaugh on his national broadcast Wednesday. “If you take out the color [of the individuals involved] … you might not even hear about it.”


  1. And so is said a dilemma of those of no color. What do we do?

  2. No, we've already seen the spin.....Obama's response to this senseless killing was to make it a gun control issue. What a freaking idiot is this President?? And how long are the conservatives going to allow the liberals (see, I didn't say white and black) to spin the white vs black killings and dismiss the black vs white killings....how long will we allow it to continue???

    1. Until the Mexicans out number everyone and blacks can't blame whites for anything. I moving to panama in 13 months 11 days.

  3. Nothing 9:32-This problem is self solving.It may take a while,but the pointlessness of it all will slowly reveal itself and everything will calm down somewhat.

  4. This was a hate crime.

  5. If this was a white guy?

    1. Riots would be ensuing as we speak! Innocent white people would be being assaulted or killed. And since the battle flag has already been an issue..... They would want lift kits and jacked up tires banned because its racist to drive vehicles like that.

  6. Wtf is wrong with people?

  7. As a white person I feel like we should stop traffic Tom. Destroy a city? But I have to work all weekend.

  8. Wtf is a person of color? Black is a bad word now. That pos shot two people. He was a black devil.

  9. Another low IQ person caught up in believing the media s propaganda.

  10. Problem solved. He id the right thing and blew his own brains out. You cant fix crazy.

    1. It seems from what I have read he got himself wound up in the "why not me" mindset ... being rejected for one thing or another and not accepting of it, or at least considering the 'why' of it.

  11. The south had it right all along.

    1. The north wasn't far off, either...but that inconvenient fact is too often forgotten...

  12. Right 7:38. All his failures he incorrectly blamed on him being black and/or gay. This is such the prevailing mindset in the black communities. No sense whatsoever of personal responsibility. It is a foreign concept to them. A black kid is suspended from school it's racist. A black is arrested it's racist, a black gets fired it's racist. The list is endless of their excuses and blame.
    In the meantime the American Ghettos where this is the majority mindset are cess pools of crime and poverty due exclusively to this mindset. Unfortunately they lack the honesty to admit any wrong doing.

  13. does not seem to be any conflict. EVERYONE is reporting this guys race and that fact he was gay, or claiming to be so. Maybe the conflict is in Limbaugh's tiny little mind.

  14. Whites know better than to burn down their own neighborhoods.


  15. The race issue is stupid and anyone buying into it is also stupid.Is the world beyond this one stupid also? Well I don't think it is cause GOD is not stupid,get a life.Keep on listening to the media hell is a waitin fo ya stupids.


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