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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Killer of Virginia News Crew Said He Killed White People to Try and Start Race War

It has now been revealed that the murderer of two Virginia TV reporters said he killed white people as part of a race war and in response to the killings of black people in a Charleston church last month.

The killer, Vester Lee Flanagan, faxed a rambling 23-page letter to ABC in New York explaining his actions. In his letter he admitted that he wanted a race war and that he was killing for racial reasons.

“Why did I do it? I put down a deposit for a gun on 6/19/15. The Church shooting in Charleston happened on 6/17/15…”

“What sent me over the top was the church shooting. And my hollow point bullets have the victims’ initials on them.”

It is unclear whose initials he is referring to. He continues, “As for Dylann Roof? You (deleted)! You want a race war (deleted)? BRING IT THEN YOU WHITE …(deleted)!!!” He said Jehovah spoke to him, telling him to act.

Later in the manifesto, the writer quotes the Virginia Tech mass killer, Seung Hui Cho, calls him “his boy,” and expresses admiration for the Columbine High School killers. “Also, I was influenced by Seung–Hui Cho. That’s my boy right there. He got NEARLY double the amount that Eric Harris and Dylann Klebold got…just sayin.'”

This was a hate crime, folks.



  1. Notice this isn't being published by the Democrat controlled Lame Stream Media.

  2. This is a hate crime ? Ya think !!

  3. This black hater and racist will be a hero to the people of Ferguson and other parts of the country that hate whites.
    AS this kind of stuff expands in our nation the weaker we are as a country , Obama has destroyed us .
    The racial violence in the past 7 years has more than tripled toward whites , isn't this strange , that's while Obama has been in office.

  4. 6:24- and you never hear about the whites being assaulted by the blacks. It took this being on live TV (and the 1st ever social media murder) to get the nation's attention!

  5. Al sharpton where are thee ?

  6. And where are Sharpton, Jackson and other supposed black leaders? Are they speaking out and denouncing this hate crime? No.

  7. He was gay = mentally unstable.

    1. We need to ban all rainbow flags

  8. Classic, without a doubt, hate crime. If the MSM does not mention that fact then every time it's the other way around I don't want to hear the hypocritical term "hate crime".

  9. Nothing more than a coward as are many of these senseless murderers.

  10. Yet the white people don't act like the blacks. I'm glad this happened. Shows the world that white people have more restraint than blacks. We aren't savega animals. Maybe it was just because he was a gay boy anyway and not a panther killing whites. Idk. But we won't take to much of this.

  11. Obama..." if I had white slaves they would look like these folks"

  12. couple of things. I saw it on CNN so that is about as liberal as you can get so the comment that it has not been published in the mainstream is a joke. AND when are responsible gun owners going to step up and get a clear grasp on crazies getting guns?

  13. Holder, Obama and Sharpton stoked this fire. They had the perfect platforms to accenuate the tremendous strides that America has made over the last half of a century, but couldn't bring themselves to do it. All they can see is their cups half empty!

  14. This racial paranoia was media created. Blood is on their hands once again.

  15. Calm down people, our dictator and chief said he knows how to solve these problems. More gun control.

  16. I agree you will not hear from Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or Obama on this one, bet they appear at the shooters funeral though in the background. What about "white lives matter"?

  17. Hey 9:54 The Liberal, Gay, Black, murdering thug passed a background check..What new gun law do you propose that would have stopped this tragic event???

  18. was he trying to prove how little lives matter?

  19. WAKE UP. There are VERY few Blacks or Whites who would want to go this path. The "race war" is being sold to you by the media and elites who want a race war because they know that they have pushed the ordinary citizen to the breaking point. THEY NEED TO SELL YOU A RACE WAR TO STOP A CLASS WAR THAT THEY KNOW THEY WILL LOSE. Don't buy what they are selling. Together we stand divided we fall.

  20. Is there FB pics of him waving the Fag Flag?

  21. Anonymous said...
    He was gay = mentally unstable.

    August 27, 2015 at 8:21 AM

    You are correct. Being gay is a serious mental illness. What normal man wants to put his reproductive organ in the out door of another mans feces chamber. Seriously!!

  22. If everybody on that location were open carrying, would this have even happened?

    And if so, would he have lived to leave the scene?

    Something to think about.

  23. "Anonymous said...

    Is there FB pics of him waving the Fag Flag?

    August 27, 2015 at 7:19 PM"

    Since his FB has been removed I can not say, but LE did find one in his apartment when they conducted the search.

  24. Mental illness is a serious problem that needs to be addressed! Guns are a problem but the people who are using them that are mentally ill are more of a problem.

  25. lol. Does no good to say someone was 'mentally ill' after the fact. And most people have some form of mental illness so no one should own a weapon right?

    Guns are a problem but the people who are using them that are mentally ill are more of a problem.

    August 31, 2015 at 11:51 AM


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