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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Larry Hogan: "I Have Some Good News And Some Great News."

I have some good news and some great news. The good news is I just finished my fifth straight day of 24-hour chemo. The great news is I'm officially half-way through my treatment, having finished round three of six! This week I spent a lot of time visiting other patients in the cancer ward, hearing their stories of strength and resilience in the face of adversity. Their perseverance, positivity, and faith inspires me beyond words.

As always, thank you all for your kind words, prayers, and support. I hope you will consider helping me raise awareness and support others battling cancer through a donation at www.HoganStrong.com. There you'll find all our #HoganStrong gear including green wristbands, t-shirts, stickers, and more, and all net profits will go toward cancer research and awareness.

I am looking forward to getting back to work for the people of this great state, and working hard to change Maryland for the better!


  1. Joe, I was surprised today when I went into the Parking Garage outside the ER at PRMC. I had not been in that garage in long time because I avoid PRMC whenever possible..but I was shocked that the bottom levels of the garage are now devoted to only employees and then past that employee devoted spots are signs stating "only for PRMC vehicles and lab employees." So this means that patients are pushed to the top floors. I was not feeling well...but had business so I had to park and walk. I attempted to take advantage of valet parking but there was no one at the post. Employees are healthy and I would have thought that they were more able to make the hike from the top floors but that does tell me how much patients are valued at PRMC.

  2. Best Governor in a very long time, and he hasn't been on the job a year. You are in our hearts and our prayers Governor.

  3. Great man one to be proud of.

  4. Great to see him doing so well!!


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