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Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hillary Clinton cracks down on for-profit colleges after cashing in

Hillary Rodham Clinton, the 2016 presidential candidate, unveiled her college affordability plan on Monday, she sounded every bit the critic of for-profit universities. But Mrs. Clinton, the spouse, benefited to the tune of millions of dollars from that same industry in a business relationship her husband enjoyed as recently as this spring.

Former President Bill Clinton collected more than $16 million from 2010 to 2014 as honorary chancellor of Laureate Education, a for-profit company that runs 80 education institutions around the globe, according to recently released tax returns. Four of its six U.S. colleges were flagged on the Education Department’s list of schools whose access to federal financial aid was being monitored out of concern over financial irresponsibility.

The Clinton Foundation also lists Laureate International Universities as one of its donors, giving $1 million to $5 million during the first half of this year. Mr. Clinton praised the company when he stepped down in late April, less than two weeks after his wife officially entered the presidential race.

Over the years, Mrs. Clinton collected political donations from Laureate’s CEO, Douglas Becker, including a $2,000 donation in 2005 to her Senate re-election campaign and $2,300 in 2007 to her first presidential campaign, Federal Election Commission records show.



  1. Just like the Clintons - suck it dry and try not to look like you had anything to do with it.
    Hillary will do the same to the Middle Class while her millions grow are cleverly tucked away in an untouchable Clinton Foundation trust fund.
    Funny how more and more things are emerging that make Hillary not a good employment pick for anyone, save by those with little or no true or demonstrable regard or respect for anyone but themselves.

  2. Bet if Trump wins the nomination he won't even bring up Billarys lies, thefts and murders. They are like the cops. They lay cover for one another no matter how foul the deed.


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