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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Activists Want Changes To Police Officers’ Bill Of Rights

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Advocates for police accountability reforms are calling for changes to the Maryland Law Enforcement Officers’ Bill of Rights.

Civil rights and police reform activists have set a news conference Monday to criticize the number of law enforcement officials who have been scheduled to testify before a panel of state lawmakers who are considering changes to the law, compared to the number of representatives from groups that are seeking reforms.

Critics say the state’s bill of rights for law enforcement officers creates roadblocks in holding police accountable in cases of misconduct or brutality.



  1. Too funny. Policeman bill of rights is violated on a daily bases by supervisors. Example Somerset sheriffs department.

    1. Worst department on the shore.

  2. Thugs looking to sue for there criminal behavior.

    1. No. Justice against rouge cops who violate people. Especially since the Supreme Court said a cop can now do what he or she wants and can claim ignorance to walk. Real funny how a cop, a trained and educated in law, can now do this yet a judge will yell at Joe Schmo saying ignorance is no excuse! Talk about a double standard.

  3. 8:11 PM

    Just scares the hell out of you people doesn't it? Having to live by the same laws you enforce. Imagin that!

    Civil rights and police reform activists have set a news conference Monday to criticize the number of law enforcement officials who have been scheduled to testify before a panel of state lawmakers who are considering changes to the law, compared to the number of representatives from groups that are seeking reforms.
    Critics say the state’s bill of rights for law enforcement officers creates roadblocks in holding police accountable in cases of misconduct or brutality.

    1. No it doesn't. Has nothing to do with court. Moron alert. I'm not a cop and I no this.

    2. But I bet your married to one or his mistress! Some kind of attachment to one.

  4. Leave the cops alone! And hope & pray you never need one.

    1. I do hope and pray I won't need one. The stuff would already hit the fan and be done when they get there.

  5. Shame
    Civil rights seem only to be for criminals
    Let the cops strike and see who you call when someone comes to your door

    1. So if the cops busted in your door by accident instead of the dealer across the street you don't think you have civil rights? Your right ,you don't. Their ignorance is now acceptable and your responsible for your own door ,vet bills when your dogs shot, and any other crap that stems from their worthlessness.

  6. LEOBR is nothing more then affording due process to officers. It is like a soldier has due process. If Mayor Blake and company did not hire so many cops that were subpar she would not have this problem. Baltimore city lost half of its population in the last six years. Trust they were not Black. Enough said.

    8.4 million people in New York City and Charm City has more murders. Blake and Mosley have to blame the cops if not they would be the fall guys. Stop drinking the cool aid people all live matter.

    LEOBR has been around for thirty years funny Baltimore suddenly has an issue with it. Mosby and Blake need to be shipped to the DARK Continent. See what it is really like to live in fear.

  7. They are the law.....that doesn't mean they are ABOVE the law. They should be held accountable for their actions.

  8. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Civil rights seem only to be for criminals
    Let the cops strike and see who you call when someone comes to your door

    August 25, 2015 at 9:22 AM

    No, civil rights are for everyone. Not to be trampled because some dipstick in a costume thinks they are robocop.

    I wish they would go on strike so other people could see how LESS we actually need them. I have protection. I won't need to call anyone, except maybe a friend to help dispose of any body. And if any cop dare come into my house he better have a warrant in his hand and even that is iffy.

  9. If they put innocent people in harms way or break down the wrong door yes they should be accountable for their mistake.

  10. I told you dolts months ago this was coming and you attacked, denied, refused to believe it could happen to you special heroes and laughed it off.

    Still laughing?


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