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Sunday, August 30, 2015

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 8-24-15

Anonymous said...
Joe contact P.R.M.C. the neo unit is packed with addicted babies. The fact is Salisbury probably has more addicted babies being born per capita then Baltimore or New York.

Why are we as a society sitting back and doing nothing. I know liberals do not want these mother arrested because they fear harm to the child on a emotional level after birth. They also fear the women will do harm to the fetus if they will come back postive for narcotics.

I say the damage is already done. It is a law and should be enforced. Maybe our State's Attorney can shed some light as to this liberal agenda.

These babies are born sick and at times with severe mental illness. Does this child not have rights. It is barbaric that we allow children not right to a quality life. If more women went to jail for using while pregnant I can assure you the numbers would drop. It is like calling Black on Black murders a social crime. The Liberal left makes me sick. No more excuses for law breakers and child abusers.

Enough is enough


  1. Gotta throw in that black card, there are plenty of white woman giving birth to addicted babies.

    1. You got that right. Especially, those heroin addict. And, there are alot of them. That's why this article was written and no stats according to race included.

  2. Contact PRMC ?

    Hospital is required by law to take care of these babies. And mothers.

  3. Throwing addict mothers in jail will not solve the problem, it will only increase the number of pregnant women in jail. Look at prison populations since the war on drugs began. Educate yourself before proposing erroneous solutions to problems you obviously know little about.

    1. They all need to go to jail. Your taxes are paying for the newborn treatment, anyway.

    2. Don't think that that would add more expense there 7:11? You think you know so much.

  4. Jailing an addicted pregnant mother will almost certainly kill the baby and maybe the mother. Just not staffed and equipped to deal with it. Jail isn't always the answer.

  5. Jail is certainly the answer. It's the law!!! You can't expose a baby to illegal drugs! Where is the
    baby's rights!

    If a mother uses drugs while pregnant, she certainly does not have the best interest of that child....end of story. I can't believe we are even having this discussion.

    Send the baby home with an addict??? Oh ok...that when children are thrown or their drug addict boyfriend abuses them! Come on people...where is the logic!!

    1. It's no law! And sorry. It is no baby until its first breath. It is a fetus!
      Treatment centers. Not jail. We need to invest in our community. Not more jails or filling up an already overcrowded system that isn't able to handle them. If you knew the dangers of jailing an addict without constant supervision by doctors and nurses then you'd understand. You can't give somebody a death sentence. Which is a very real possibility. And if you claim a fetus is a baby then you should agree. Why endanger the baby further?

  6. I have a solution for you 6:30-sterilize the burdens of society before they have addicted babies. Problem solved, and by the way, this is the only solution that will ever work.

    1. Do what? See a kid who is ten and a handful so sterilize them? Forget the fact that the child most likely will grow up fine. Just Rob him of his lineage and a reason to straighten up. You got a two inch mustache?

  7. There was a report lately that said that one in four babies delivered at PRMC is addicted to heroin or crack. How wrong is that?

  8. 5:09 Look up the numbers. 88% of those mothers are black, and 75% are not married.

  9. Where do you get these statistics? Are they available publicly?

    Keep in mind that TLC has run MANY MANY expectant mothers to go elsewhere than PRMC to have their babies- Easton, Seaford, etc. That leaves those without the resources at PRMC. Keep that in mind when evaluating those statistics. Still awful

  10. One only needs to witness the hoard of people crossing Carroll St. every morning to enter the methadone clinic to realize the problem. Some are pregnant, while others are pushing young children in strollers. Such a shame. And the cycle continues.

  11. 9:59 - you can't impress liberals with facts...they make up their own!

  12. 8:11 has the answer for the druggies - I have a list of other groups it should apply to as well!

  13. If the mother tests positive twice during neo natal care, then the child should be aborted.

    1. Wow. Murder a child ? I've seen plenty of normal kids whom came from doper mothers.

  14. There are babies born with traces of illegal substances in their bloodstream, but not the majority of them. Very rarely does one show clinical signs of actual addiction, and even this is almost always very brief.

    Despite rampant drug use in Europe and elsewhere, the so-called "crack baby" syndrome is almost nonexistent. I wonder why that might be.

    I have no sympathy for women who choose to do drugs while knowingly pregnant. Either choose to be pregnant, or choose to do drugs. Not both. But let's get the inconvenient facts straight, and drop the urban-legend level of scare hysteria.

    Planned Parenthood prevents pregnant drug addicts. Remember that.

  15. PRMC is well protected in this county. lawyers are afraid to sue them because they know they will probably lose and won't get much money if they did happen to win because of the mostly conservative people in this area.

    And that is part of the reasons why this area continues to suck decade after decade. No accuountability.

  16. Wow I guess Social Services really got offended by this post. I will say this when a majority of a critical care unit gets over run due to addicted children your "social" plan is not working. As for those making a racial issue who cares what color they are. These are babies being born addicted. The poster stating these children usually grow up fine. What f*cking planet do you live on. That is a bold face liberal lie. I will not mention religion or ethical rights that should be considered. Do You have any idea how many of these children end up in the Foster system. Then some unwitting family doing the right thing adopts a child with all sorts of medical and mental issues. Keep drinking the Kool Aid. You Obviously voted for OhBlahBlah. Do not let race be a crutch here.

    Stop making excuses for these women. Some having multiple births of addicted children. Yes it is a law when the child is born with narcotics in their system does meet the requirement for child neglect and abuse under the law. Start enforcing it Matt be a leader no a pacifier.

    If you got time to shoot dope you got time to use some form of birth control. No more excuses enough is enough. Fire at will libtrads you cant win this one. Race and economics do not apply here. Just facts.

  17. Stop the cost b.s. this is about a child being born addicted. It is not about race or economics. It is about a useless whore spreading her legs while strung out on dope. People it is enough. Charge em, hang em I dont care anymore lets do something


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