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Monday, July 06, 2015

This Couple Spent 75 Years Of Their Lives Together, Even Dying Together – You Have To Hear Their Amazing Story!

This is stuff romance movies are made of. Meeting at the age of just eight years old when they decided to become boyfriend and girlfriend, Jeanette and Alexander Toczko would have nothing less than to be with each other until death did them part. Being married for 75 years is a long time and truly an accomplishment. They’re basically living out a real-life version of The Notebook. You have to hear this couple’s amazing story.

They lived out the dream others spend their life looking for. As Jillian from Workaholics would say she’s "looking for a true love companion who I can spend everyday of my life with until we die on the exact same day. Same breath.” If only she could be as lucky as these two. This may be the saddest and most inspiring story out their, all at the same time. These two made it through 75 years and died in each other's arms, and as anyone would know, that’s a long time to be with the same person and still want to see them on the final day. They didn't want it any other way though.

When Alexander found himself bed-ridden with a broken hip, it seemed like the couple had almost decided it was time to peaceably leave this earth. Knowing that these two could make it 75 years together and still want to be close to each other is truly inspiring. You could only hope to find a partner like this in life. These two will be in the other's, and now the world’s, memories forever.

Watch the video below to see their amazing journey, and SHARE this couples' touching story on Facebook with your friends.

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