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Monday, July 06, 2015

Hoppy Beer Is Giving You Man Boobs

While drinking beer is usually considered to be a manly activity, certain kinds of beer may be causing some pretty unfortunate side effects.

Acclaimed author and herbalist Stephen Harrod Buhner explained in his book ‘Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers’ that hops, which give beer their flavor, contain high levels of phytoestrogen, a plant estrogen. The chemical can be used to treat insomnia and menopause, but in men it can also contribute to the development of breasts and a form of impotence caused by heavy drinking, which is also known as “brewer’s droop.”

Another herbalist named Susan Weed has noted that hops can be used as a sleeping aid or painkiller, and also to help boost production of milk for lactating women.



  1. Finally an explanation and I thought it was because I was getting older. Thinking about a new business; Six packs of hoppy brew with a "Bro"(man-bra).

  2. Gym avoidance is also playing a key role in man boobage.I was sitting on a bench on the boardwalk at OC Sunday trying to figure out who had the biggest boobs,the men or the women.Pretty much a toss up.

  3. I'll be hoppy to drink beer.


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