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Sunday, July 05, 2015


Today, in light of the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage, I grieve.
I grieve because the land of my youth has died.
I grieve because I know what the blasphemous ruling means.
I grieve because five unelected ones decided the fate of the Nation and legalized the abominable.
I grieve because my children have been handed the baton of a moral cesspool.
I grieve because I know how dark it is going to become.
I grieve because in my heart of hearts, I know that God, our Creator, who abides in the real Supreme Court is going to respond with His ruling. It will be a ruling that is going to plow the land under.
The God of Heaven looked down at the mockery of humans and allowed them to choose.
They chose. Now America is going to crumble.
They chose. Now America will burn.
They chose. Now a plague will dine on the people.
They chose, and those who celebrate will become the fodder of the unspeakable.
They chose, and now darkness will overtake with unrelenting madness.
They chose to throw away God's law, and with it, the lamp of the eye.
So ladies and gentlemen, today - June 26, 2015, the time has arrived to be afraid.
Be afraid for your family.
Be afraid for your loved ones.
Be afraid for the future.
Be afraid, because foolish men have stoked the fires of the wrath of God.
Be afraid, because the thread God's patience, has been severed by the blade of lustful man.
Be afraid, because the foundry of Heaven is forging the weapons of war and sharpening the battle ax of the destroyer.
Be afraid, oh people, for the appointment is coming.
Weep for the losses. Grieve for the fallen. Cry out to your Creator and plead that the coming plague of bloodshed will pass over you and your dwelling place.
Today, the Nation turned a corner.
Today, she left her path and walked into a graveyard.
The tombstones watched...
...the keepers of the crypts laughed...
...and the jaws of Hell opened wide to dine on the coming meal.
The time of talk is over. The time to pray that America will turn has passed. She has chosen not to be healed. Her fate has been determined.
So save yourselves and hide in the Rock of Christ. The fires are coming.
In lament,
Nathan Leal - Watchman’s Cry


  1. Oh so very, very true!

  2. Amen! What have we done to this once God fearing nation. No true Christian can support the laws that are replacing God laws! We are a doomed nation to fail and we will be distroyed in time from within!

  3. All because they cancelled "The Dukes Of Hazzard"...

  4. People of Noah's day mocked and ridiculed the righteous - Noah and his family - until the rain came. God will not be mocked which is what has happened here, a Nation supposedly created by God for people to worship Him freely. As if not enough evil is in the world already, God's written Word tells us it will get worse until His Son returns to reign for 1000 years. I don't know about you but I'm ready to be raptured out of here any moment. Are you ready?

  5. This is what is coming. Homosexuality is referred to biblically as lust (never love). Romans 1:26-27

  6. Just like the liberal whacko's in olde England, Greece, Rome, and Germany took their countries down a bad path, that version of the country was doomed to failure.

    We started with a good framework, but too many with the original views became complacent and allowed 'new' idea people to get elected!

    We have one remaining chance to out-vote 'them' before we are too far down the path of demise!

  7. Most powerful read! We've talked about this time and again. In the past we've discussed the idea that financially we have turned a corner we can never recover from. Now we've turned the moral corner. As written above, the time for change is over. It's time to pay the price for rights without responsibility. As we speak, the Navy base is locked down due to an active shooter. The atrocities mankind will carry out against itself have depths beyond comprehension.

  8. Woe to the citizens of the United States of America. GOD's wrath will come upon you.
    Listen to this message. It is the truth.

  9. You can feel the witness in your spirit of the truth of this.
    Though there may still be a brief moment for America to repent, I doubt it will happen.
    Judgement is at the door.

    My life is in God's hands, so I'm not afraid, but I'm sad for those around me that I care for who have rejected the Truth. There are VERY dark days ahead.

    Jesus Christ-- God's only Son.. our only hope.
    He's reaching out to you, and waiting..

  10. We are now a nation destined to fail.
    Destroyed from within.

  11. Thanks for this post Joe , your readers will understand as most are Christians or at least not atheist.

  12. amen. our God will not be mocked.

  13. I am so sorry Lord.

  14. LGTBTXYZ has never been about anything but sexual self gratification. To make it equal to marriage, procreation, and raising the next generation in a light that will shine on to future generations is ludicrous.

    May God rule with His hand.

  15. Yes indeed! And lo and behold, we must verily rend our clothes, for we have committed the undeniable sin of mixing fabrics! (Deuteronomy 22:11). Our nation shall fall, for we have mixed different breeds of animals. (Leviticus 19:19) We have sown the great soybean, the great corn, and all the other crops together in fields, and for this, our nation shall perish! (same source). Our men, our true Christian Eastern Shore men, have forsaken the true religion, through our tattoos and our trimmed heads! (Leviticus 19: 27-28). We have neglected to stone to death those who have uttered "God damn," and for that, we ourselves have failed to keep God's word and shall likewise be sacrificed! (Leviticus 24: 14-16). And finally, as we well know because of the boring nature of life here on the Eastern Shore, we have several cheaters whom we must cleanse ourselves of before the great judgment is to come! (Leviticus 20: 10).

    Point is, you people are idiots. If God's coming for America because we value civil rights enough to expand it to gays, then: a) you can be sure your sins are damning you to hell along with us; and b) who cares, God sounds like kind of an uptight, xenophobic, homophobic, racist, ignorant jag anyway.


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