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Sunday, July 05, 2015

Labor Department earmarks $5M for youth employment in Baltimore

With the spotlight still on jobs in Baltimore, the U.S. Department of Labor is lending a hand to Baltimore’s youth by way of a $5 million grant.

The money, part of a total $22 million spread across seven U.S. cities, will fund a One Baltimore for Jobs initiative designed to serve 16- to 29-year-olds who are out of school and out of work. The grant comes on the heels of Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake’s push to expand the city’s youth summer jobs program.

“We cannot afford to ignore the challenges facing our young people today, and we must do all we can to ensure that opportunity is available to all,” Labor Secretary Thomas E. Perez said in a statement. “This grant will offer young people in Baltimore who are at-risk of falling off the economic ladder a chance to chart a new course, gain job skills and find stable, meaningful careers.”



  1. Learn the art of fighting and rebellion !

  2. If not for the democrats and all their failed policies it would be private business giving these kids jobs and not costing the tax payers 5 million. Anyone who votes democrat is just not a morally corrupted dreg of society (because no decent person would ever align themselves with the democrats) person but a first class fool as well.

  3. Concerned RetireeJuly 1, 2015 at 6:25 PM

    Where is Retiree's Cola from SSI? Where is the Living Wages for SSI? Where is the Help for Veterans? Why is Politians, State and Federal, robbing SSI and Retirements? They are more important issues than handing out more money to Liberals to hand out for more of their failed policies. Robbing Pensions and SSI to give away to lazy Drug users should be a criminal offense. They have better, furniture, tv, car / SUV, eat better and buy drugs with the money they get with no drug testing. Let Hillary and Bill give their money from their fraudulent foundation.

  4. Jobs really!! They will give them the money and let them stay at home or go to the pool!! Another waste of money!!!

  5. WPA at work again... Didn;t work the last time either.. Just another freebie to the loafers.

  6. Give me some of those 5million instead of those worthless thugs.

  7. $15/hr., right?

  8. That $5 Million dollars should go into retirees pension systems instead of robbing them. They worked for it and deserve it.

  9. 16 to 19 years old? Not in school, and unemployed?

    Join the military and learn some discipline and job skills, become employable,

  10. whatever happened to the BILLIONS they got for STIMULUS?

  11. The Military will not accept them.. How low can you get??

  12. They continue to throw money at the problem with the same end result. When will they learn!

  13. 7:19
    It was wasted. Just like this money will be wasted.


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