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Monday, July 13, 2015

Pentagon Readying Plan To Lift Transgender Ban

WASHINGTON (AP) — Pentagon leaders are finalizing plans aimed at lifting the ban on transgender individuals in the military, with the goal of formally ending one of the last gender- or sexuality-based barriers to military service, senior U.S. officials told The Associated Press.

An announcement is expected this week, and the services would have six months to assess the impact of the change and work out the details, the officials said Monday. Military chiefs wanted time to methodically work through the legal, medical and administrative issues and develop training to ease any transition, and senior leaders believed six months would be sufficient.

During that time, transgender individuals would still not be able to join the military, but any decisions to force out those already serving would be referred to the Pentagon’s acting undersecretary for personnel, the officials said. One senior official said the goal was to avoid forcing any transgender service members to leave during that time.



  1. That's right make our country as weak and vulnerable as possible.

  2. Again. Thank you republican congress for allowing yet another in moral move on our military. As a Marine this is complete and utter nonsense.

  3. Soon, we will look like, and probably fight like, the Dutch Army.

  4. wtf! the best military in the world is discharging members to be unemployed veterans to make room for non-conformist people. This is an insult to all that have honorably served by following the rules and traditions set forth before them. No cross-dresser should ever be able to serve without showing our nation the respect it deserves. I am a disabled American veteran and had to follow the strictest of orders dealing with all sorts of munitions, I can't imagine having a long-haired, lipstick-wearing, goth-looking creature attempting to enter my old career field just to wash out. The psychological profile required will prevent them from achieving the security clearances needed. That is such a waste of time and money and tarnishes the integrity & honor of all service members everywhere. What a sad society we have become. I wish there was something we could do, but I guess everybody that voted for "change" sure is happy now. Somebody needs to do something!

  5. The military can be hard enough on the most sane individuals without emotional and psychological issues - very few make it out without any mental damage. Now throw in people who don't even know who they are and you're asking for MAJOR issues! I'm not a military guy, but I have a bunch of friends and family members that are and I have the utmost respect for them and all those who serve/served. Perhaps letting these identity challenged individuals into the military isn't an issue now, but I guarantee that the steps needed to make these people "fit in" will become a major issue. Not to mention the lawsuits that will come about when these people sue the military for improper treatment when in fact they were treated equally but they really just can't hack it in the military. These people can't even handle their identity amongst society, what makes you think that can handle a gun and defend our country?! The military isn't for the soft and weak - it's for the brave and proud! We're getting laughed at around the world....

  6. I know of one transgender we paid for. Army would love more traitors like it.

  7. The Russians and Chinese have got to be biting at the bit to start a war with a bunch of weak fag pansies. What an absolute mockery of sanity Obama and his cronies have made of our military. I fear for our countries short future.


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