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Monday, July 13, 2015

‘Damien’ Promoters Crash Christian Protest With ‘The Beast Rises’ Signs

A team promoting A&E’s new horror series “Damien” crashed a Christian protest that typically takes place every year across the street from San Diego’s Comic-Con.

The promoters countered “Jesus saves” and “Jesus Will Rise” slogans with posters and shirts that read, “From Flames, Damien Will Rise” and “The Beast Rises,” according to The Hollywood Reporter.

Additionally, street teams handed out stickers, pins with “666” on them and pamphlets directing Comic-Con guests to visit a site that warns visitors, “[Damien] is the only way to deal with the coming end.”



  1. These are some really lost souls that are completely clueless.

  2. Who the hell is really going to watch this crap ?? How many of these shows have they made? ?? Millions and I can't remember one. That's because their crappie films / shows.

  3. All part of the hidden dangers of the rainbow.

  4. My superstitions are better than yours! My sky fairy is better than yours!

    Silly theists. All of 'em.


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