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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

O'Reilly: Pass Law to Imprison Repeat Illegal Immigrants

An incensed Bill O'Reilly called on Congress to pass a law to give illegal immigrants five years in prison if they return to the United States after being previously deported.

O'Reilly was angry over the shooting death on Wednesday of Kathryn Steinle in San Francisco. Francisco Sanchez, an illegal Mexican immigrant with five previous deportations and seven felonies on his record, confessed to the shooting to a TV crew and has been charged with murder.

"The fact that a felon could be deported five times and still be walking around San Francisco should shame Congress, shame it," O'Reilly said Monday on Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor."

Where is a law that says if you are deported one time and come back, you serve five years in prison? Where is that law?" O'Reilly asked. "Congress should pass it and if President [Barack] Obama doesn't sign it, everything will be on the table. It will be on him."

O'Reilly said he is looking for people in Congress who have courage enough to sponsor the law.

"Who will do it? Please let me know directly," he said. "Are you out there? Are you out there?"

He said he is "disgusted with the cowardice of our elected officials from the crazy-left San Francisco people to the president to the Congress. Most of them are rich folks who could not care less about the violence and chaos, out-of-control criminal activity south of the border is creating in this country."



  1. Fact is O'Reilly scares Congress because he is more aware of whats going on around the Country and world than they are. He would make a great presidential candidate.

  2. ...great idea, Billy Boy. Give em 3 hots and a cot for 5 years. That'll stop the problem lol

  3. You don't know if it will or it won't 11:08 but at this point in time it is well worth the try but one thing is certain and don't you dare ever forget it-that young lady would be alive today if this latest illegal murderer had been locked up, so again-don't you DARE ever forget this truth-don't you DARE!
    Send them to Gitmo is my suggestion.

  4. You are sick 11:08. There is nothing to "laugh out loud" of over this. Had this illegal alien been locked up for 5years he would never have killed Kate Steinle. The US has enough murderers and criminals running around the last thing it needs is Mexico's and Latin America's.

  5. Forget 5 years, give them a firing squad no appeals. That will stop them from coming.

  6. We could always make a few prisons using tents like Sheriff Joe has. Use all these illegals to build a fence along the border. You could just keep moving the tents each month as work is complete. They keep saying how they are only here to do things Americans don't want to do. I say let them build a border fence!

  7. Obama and the Clintons will make HIM disappear....

  8. 12:09PM
    You have the right idea. Not only would it stop that one but it'd give another one something to think about before they tried.

  9. 1208-You've missed my point completely, you don't think an illegal will cross the border; when they are offered 3 hots and a cot for 5 years? You're stupid to think they wouldn't.

  10. You are all a crazy as hell,the only way to solve the illegals problem is to seal off the border and give any who crosses illegally 5 years of HARD HARD LABOR 16 hrs a day 7 days a week. If they are a repeat offender 10 years. After the border is sealed off issue temporary work permits.If the don't go back when the permit expires, 5 years hard labor.That will definitely put an end to the BS.


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