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Wednesday, July 08, 2015

More Costs Of Baltimore Riots Come To Light

Local governments are continuing to review all the expenses laid out to help the city during the protests and riots following the death of Freddie Gray.

The Maryland State Police tell WBAL NewsRadio 1090 that from the time the State of Emergency was declared it cost that agency $2.5 million for overtime, equipment, etc.

A State Police spokesman says the Maryland Emergency Management Agency reimbursed the State Police for $1.3 million.



  1. Where do the state police and maryland emergency and all the rioters get there money from that's right me the tax payer

    1. So state police are exempt from paying taxes?

  2. I would sue the naacp.

  3. Send the bill to city hall care of Mayor Blake

  4. Exactly right - make the Mayor pay. The police should have stopped the riot immediately - no question ! They should have all been arrested, the Guard called immediately, and peace restored. The police were ready but were given orders to stand down. Who does that !!!

  5. Make the media pay for it.

  6. Tax payers shouldn't have to foot the bill. While I feel a wee bit sorry for the businesses that were damaged when you make the choice to open a business in or near the ghetto, stuff happens. It's not if it's going to happen it's when will it happen. Ghetto people have no respect for anything including themselves. If they aren't the ones actually crapping up their own nests, they have excuses for the ones doing the crapping like they are oppressed or frustrated or angry.

  7. I agree with some of these comments; as a taxpayer, I don't feel I should have to pay for the errors of the mayor of Baltimore. The total expense falls squarely on the shoulders of the Mayor of Baltimore and all her groupies. She called for the thugs to burn and loot so she is responsible for the outcome no one else.


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